Reports on non-Project events
(For Project-related events, see the Projects section).
- Global Citizens Pursuing a Just, Peaceable, Inclusive and Sustainable Future: An ICCGC-CoNGO Collaborative ConferenceThe CoNGO-ICCGC Global Futures Conference in New York, August 2024, unites religion and civil society to address global harmony, justice, and sustainability. Featuring sessions on global ethics, peace, interfaith dialogue, climate action, and global citizenship education.
- Global Citizens Pursuing a Just, Peaceable, Inclusive and Sustainable Future: An ICCGC-CoNGO Collaborative Conference
- IARF 124th Annivesary Celebrated by BV Foundation for Peace and Harmony
- Limits of Religious Freedom and Tolerance: IARF EME Conference 2025
- IARF-US Launches Monthly Discussion Series
- Levels of Dialogue: Religious Experience in an Interfaith Context
- IARF India Chapter’s Engagements in October: Solidarity and Discourse
- BV Foundation Commemorates International Day of Peace 2023
- Visakhapatnam Commemorates Hiroshima and Nagasaki
- IALRW’s Congress to Follow the IARF Congress on 7-9 September 2023
- Save the date: 28/11, “Religious discrimination and the misappropriation of symbols” – Motivational Dialogue with Morgana Synthove from the Pagan Federation
- Save the date: “Does religion set you free?” – EME Online Conference 2021 on 8-11 May 2021
- Motivational Dialogue #8: January the 24th at 4pm GMT
- Winner of the Dana McLean Greeley Award for young adult interfaith work
- Registration and call for programme suggestions for the 35th Congress open: early registration discounts!
- Congress 2018: programme outline, venue and accommodation
- Save the Date: The 35th World Congress: August 2018, Washington DC
- IALRW Interfaith Seminar in Malaysia
- Japan: Memorial Symposium on the 200th JLC Meeting
- British Chapter meeting: EME Conference and Week of Prayer for World Peace
- IARF Kenya Chapter: Mission to West Pokot
- EME Regional Conference 2016: Programme and Registration
- Training of Trainers in Human Rights and Interfaith Peace
- Human Rights Day in Malakapuram, India
- EME Region Conference 2016: First Announcement
- Pakistan Chapter’s Peace Day Celebration
- Visit to the Bektashi Order (Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania)
- Independence Day Event in Pakistan
- Introductory Meeting of IARF – Kampala, Uganda, 10may2015
- Kenya Chapter – Human Rights event, Bungoma
- India Chapter Chennai branch Human Rights Day event
- Human Rights Awareness Drive by young adults, S. India
- German Unitarian General Assembly 2015 (The 29th ‘Unitariertag’)
- Kenya Chapter – Human Rights Education trainings, 2014
- Kenya Chapter event
- Side Events at UN HRC 2014
- Interreligious Harmony Week 2014 – Dhaka rally
- Human Rights Resource Centre newsletter end-2013
- State-level Interfaith Fest, TamilNadu
- RFYN Summit 2014 – program
- Kenya Chapter press conference
- First Kenya Chapter upcountry events
- Launch of Human Rights Education Resource Centre (HRERC)
- Conference Report: Religious Freedom & Responsibility for Planet & People
- Thomas Mathew at UUA GA
- Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day 2013, Vishakhapatnam
- Congress 2014 venue familiarisation
- Announcement of 34th World Congress, 2014
- RFYN meets UN official India visit
- Council meeting 2013
- IARF and HRWF co-sponsor HRC UPR side event