Levels of Dialogue: Religious Experience in an Interfaith Context

Join us on Zoom on 13 November

All are invited to attend this joint Event of the British Chapter of the International Association for Religious Freedom and the World Congress of Faiths to mark Inter Faith Week on 13 November 2023 from 18.30-20.00 (UK time) on Zoom. 
You can register for the event and obtain the Zoom link here

The Theme

Religions have different origins, developmental pathways, belief systems, and spiritualities. Yet there remains the possibility of a family resemblance between them. This tension or ambiguity inherent in the dynamic of ‘particularity in relation to universality’ is explored, argued over, and negotiated through interreligious dialogue. This talk rehearses some of the factors involved in how the reality of religious experience might be related to the demands and outcomes of dialogue as such.

Our Speaker - Revd Canon Dr Alan Race

The Revd Canon Dr Alan Race is Chair of the World Congress of Faiths and the editor of its journal ‘Interreligious Insight’, a retired Anglican priest-theologian, and the author of books and articles on the themes of theology of religions and interreligious dialogue. His most recent book is ‘My Journey as a Religious Pluralist’ (Wipf and Stock, 2021).

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