The International Association for Religious Freedom

Trainings Log

Log of HRE trainings

This page lists the individual Human Rights Education (HRE) trainings that comprise our project work – currently all in India, across several regions of the country.

The overall program is organised by our regional body (South Asia Co-ordinating Council – SACC), and the individual trainings, seminars, etc. are carried out in various national locales by trained facilitators from our India Chapter.

Recently (late 2012 onward), some training events are being organised entirely by our Young Adult program RFYN (therefore “HRE-RFYN” in the log list below).

They lead a new initiative within the overall IARF HRE program to match IARF central funding with self-funding / local contributions. They are also the first reports to feature all event costings & expenditure. 

Please see the table on each report’s final page for figures that show how these events have achieved this self-funding initiative’s goal.

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