IALRW Interfaith Seminar in Malaysia

The International Association of Liberal Religious Women, a branch of the IARF and one of the oldest interfaith women’s organizations in the world (founded in 1910), co-organized an interfaith seminar in Malaysia on 7-8 February. The seminar brought together women from Malaysia, Yemen, Myanmar, Cashmere, Sri Lanka, Japan and Europe, and included two public sessions: “Plight […]
Japan: Memorial Symposium on the 200th JLC Meeting

Below you will find a report prepared by the Japan Liaison Committee of the IARF (you can read more about it here) from its most recent symposium. Date: 9th October, 2016 14:00-17:00 Place: Hall of Soryo, Ittoen, Kyoto Theme: Eliminate the Borders ~ Actual Situation of Refugees in Japan A symposium in commemoration of the […]
IARF President’s New Year message for 2017

Dear Friends in IARF, Peace among religions and freedom of conscience for all, that is our common goal in IARF. Last year, my message was about the scope of our work to promote freedom for each individual to practice, teach, and be educated in the religion of his or her choice. Moving on to a […]
British Chapter meeting: EME Conference and Week of Prayer for World Peace

Watch our “Conference at a glance” video On Thursday 20 October, at Essex Unitarian Church in Kensington, London, the British Chapter and the Peace Commission of the IARF hosted a report on the August Europe and Middle East IARF Conference in Macedonia, Religion and Conflict Prevention. Speakers were former IARF International Council member Dr. Shlomo Alon […]
EME Conference 2016: Report

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International Council Meeting 2016

The International Council, our executive body elected at quadrennial World Congresses and currently comprising 11 members from various regions and faith communities to reflect our diversity (read more on the Governance page), had its annual meeting on 12-13 April in Kaag, the Netherlands. As always, it was an occasion to share experiences, concerns and ideas, and […]
Training of Trainers in Human Rights and Interfaith Peace

On the 24th and 25th of October the Kenya Chapter of IARF held a training event concerning human rights and interfaith peace. Here you can read the full report (PDF, 1MB).
Human Rights Day in Malakapuram, India

Below is a short report written by Narava Paska Rao, chairman of the BV Foundation for Peace and Harmony, from its 2015 Human Rights Day celebration. The BV Foundation for Peace and Harmony, a member group of IARF India, organised a meeting to observe the Human Rights Day at St. Ann’s College for Women in Malakapuram on Thursday […]
Pakistan Chapter’s Peace Day Celebration

Briefly about IARF Pakistan: IARF Pakistan strives to promote peace and harmony among Islam and minority religions, including many Christians, Bahai, Sikh and others. Bahai and Sikh have proper relations and coexist well with Muslims, but there are tensions between the Muslim and Christian communities. We organize peace meetings with representatives of all faiths to discuss and promote tolerance […]
Visit to the Bektashi Order (Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania)

On 2 – 7 September 2015 IARF delegation paid an official visit to the Bektashi Order in Macedonia, an IARF Member Group, as well as its sister communities in Albania and Kosovo. The delegation consisted of Wytske Dijkstra, IARF President and Derek McAuley, the chairman of our Europe and the Middle East region. Arben Sulejmani, chair of the […]