Dutch Chapter seminar report

2012 Thursday, October 4th @ Apostolic Society, Azielaan 155, 3526 SG Utrecht Theme: “Religion and Diversity: Strength or Dilemma?” IARF Dutch Chapter and her partners in Interfaith Dialogue, express their gratitude to The Apostolic Society in Utrecht, The Netherlands for hosting and sponsoring the seminar. The Keynote speech – “Pussy Riot and the refusing civil servant – […]

Bangladesh Chapter launches young adult branch

23-25 September 2012@Department of World Religions, Dhaka University, Bangladesh A reception for the visit to Bangladesh by IARF-JLC member Rev. Takahiro Miwa (accompanied by Mrs. Yukari Miwa and IARF-SACC president Dr. Thomas Mathew) was organised by the head of the Bangladesh Chapter of IARF-SACC, Dr. Kazi Nurul Islam (of the Department of World Religions, Dhaka […]

International Day of Peace, South Asia region

21 September 2012 The IDP was marked in several locales of our South Asia region. The theme of this year’s observances was “Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future“.    

United Nations HRC 2012: Joint NGO Statement on Human Rights Education

@21st Session of the Human Rights Council, Geneva September 2012 Joint Oral Statement by 21 organisations, including IARF: The World Programme for Human Rights Education [WPHRE] is an essential tool forimplementing the UN Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training, a newnormative reference for the international community. We affirm that human rights education and training in […]

Hiroshima-Nagasaki Memorial Day 2012 Bangalore

@Infant Jesus Matriculation School, Bangalore6 Aug 2012 Organized by Janhvi Gupte (RFYN Indore) Report (PDF, 3 pages illustrated)   See also the related events in Chennai, Mysore and Tamil Nadu.      

Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day in Tamil Nadu

Hiroshima & Nagasaki Memorial Day 2012 IARF branches in Tamil Nadu state: Anna Nagar, Arumbakkam, Villivakkam and Arakonam6th to 11th August On 6th August, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Disaster Memorial Day was observed in the morning at Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Thiruvallur, from 9.30 a.m. About 700 students assembled in the meeting hall and the function […]

Hiroshima Day 2012 remembrance event, Mysore

  @ Sri Nalvadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar Auditorium, Senate Bhavan, Manasagangotri,  Mysore, India 9 August 2012   Reports of the event in the national press: When miseries rained on two Japanese cities A-bomb attack survivor calls for nuclear-free world ‘The roof of our house was blown away’   Local press reports: [nggallery id=27]   See also the related […]

Chennai remembrance on Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day 2012

International Peace Symposium Organised jointly by the Department of Human Rights & Duties Education of Ethiraj College for Women, and IARF-SACC-RFYN, Chennai. Mr. Hiroo Iso, an official Hiroshima survivor (Hibakusha), landed in Chennai, India on 10th August 2012… The program is part of a tour of Mr. Iso in India organised by the Hiroshima Peace […]

EME Region Conference 2012, Netherlands

IARF Europe and Middle East (EME) Conference held at the Mennorode Conference Centre, Elspeet, the Netherlands on 19-22 July 2012 Even with the very best website, there is no substitute for the physical, live meeting of people; as a balance to our computer-dominated existence, such first-hand encounters may be gaining importance and serve a much-needed function… – Dorle […]

All-Religions Conference, Manujoti Ashram

Manujothi Ashram, Sathianagaram, Tiruneliveli, Tamilnadu (India)19th July 2012  IARF leaders were invited to join the 43rd Kalki Jayanthi Celebrations of Manujothi Ashram, as a fellowship day of world religions to promote universal brotherhood and unity of India. Manujothi Ashram was founded by Lord Lahari Krishna as a place for worship, living and meditating together. Rest of report: All-Religions […]