Esther Suter wrote a new post
Aayush Soni wrote a new post
Felipe-Ribeiro became a registered member
US Chapter Discussion
The US Chapter will hold another of its Discussion today (you can read about them here: https://iarf.net/iarf-us-launches-monthly-discussion-series/.Below you will find the ZOOM link to the fourth of 9 monthly sessions to be held on the third Wednesday of each month at 4 pm (PDT). We have assembled a unique opportunity for you to listen to presenters describe their diverse global spiritualities filled with enlightening perspectives. Other speakers will explore several of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this presentation George Garland will focus on an overview of SDGs Planetary Boundaries – A Safe Space for Spirituality. After the presentation you will have an opportunity to ask questions and share your perspectives on this topic with fellow attendees. Don’t miss out on this enriching, engaging experience – mark your calendars for 4 pm Pacific time on Wednesday, July 17th.
Please join us by clicking on the Zoom link below next Wednesday:
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82977464967?pwd=l8Yk3ctaH7JEAaV9FgVQduvRkaWvcq.1 -
We have a orientation program on 21st July at Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India.we expect 60 people from both youth and elders.The topic is “Encounter the enlightened”
Said-Touhami became a registered member
The RFYN will hold a hybrid meeting this Sunday at 12pm CEST – both at the Free Religious Congregation Offenbach in Germany and online. You can read more about it here: https://iarf.net/rfyn-july-2024. If you’re interested in IARF youth / young adult activities and projects, please join us, everyone is welcome!
@guptej, @danielim, @sonia, @nagy-norbert, @george2, @peter-lepoolehotmail-com, @norbert-racz, @zsolt-elekes, @johnlyoung43gmail-com, @gubknap, @alicia-forde, @pascal-free-reli, @yolanda-palacios, @bjarne5474902014, @ruzbehhodiwala, @verhagen, @kuniterasawa, @johannes-spindler, @globetrekker1014, @zsofi, @jains, @tomoko, @agpedro, @mue-sajtoiroda, @zita-magyari, @krmatsui, @bob-carroll, @ystolov
Musu-No-Gekko became a registered member
Yolanda Palacios Stefan became a registered member
George M Williams wrote a new post
I just saw an interview with Nemonte Nenquino, activist for indigenous rights from Ecuador, on her new book ‘We will not be saved’. She was involved with the court case of the Waorani people in 2018 for protection of their land against oil exploitation. Very inspiring. Including a call to humanity to live in respect of nature and each other. See website Mishcon Academy.
This is the link to the recording: https://events.zoom.us/ejl/AgyOqZviSi9S0k6Sbfbsfin0QcPC4sjmd9KqXq9CFc1mQcyWYeal~A85Pv0PKD8R45ARW-Kpbu4DR7nA7GGi8d-uQeKY6MsyTLj4x7t-Qt8ccpRgHZB8g_Mf-XsS6Z2LLMUWcQ-XD-8fkAQTtD8s25ijjE-Z7g. Thanks, Peter!
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Is the documentary available to watch online, perhaps?