International Day of Peace Vigil 2008, Mysore


20th September 2008
Teresian College, Mysore

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Swami Nityasthanandaji, president of Sri Ramakrishna Ashram delivered an inaugural address stressing peace in the world as starting from the home first. It also comes from understanding other religions and their principles. No religion and its books speaks of violence. Today’s youth should work hard to mix with those of other religions.

Mr. Tanveer Sait, M.L.A., stated that Islam preaches peace, and whatever is happening in the world today is being done by sadists and people who do not believe in the principles of their religion. Islam says killing a person is like killing the entire Humanity. He added that if we want peace, we should change ourselves, and the whole society changes and we attain peace.

Students were given importance during the programme: The Qur’an, Bible and Bhagavad Geetha were exhibited, with readings conveying the peace message by students of the respective religions. Exactly at 12 noon candles were lit and one minute of silence was marked, for the Day of Peace and those who lost their lives during the recent bomb blasts in Bangalore, Ahmadabad & Delhi.

Inter-religious cultural performances took place between the speeches.

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