From the ICCGC-CoNGO Confernece

The CoNGO-ICCGC Global Futures Conference, held on August 26 and 27, 2024, at the Church Center for the United Nations in New York, marked a significant assembly at the nexus of religion and civil society, dedicated to charting pathways toward a globally harmonious, just, peaceable, and sustainable future for people and their communities, the planet, […]
Access to Worship at Native Hawaiian Shrine Denied

Explore the controversy surrounding Kane’aki Heiau, a sacred Hawaiian shrine now inaccessible due to private property laws. Learn about the clash between indigenous religious rights and U.S. property regulations, and the efforts to protest this restriction on freedom of worship at an ancient temple.
IARF 124th Annivesary Celebrated by BV Foundation for Peace and Harmony

IARF 124th Formation Day celebrated by BV Foundation for Peace and Harmony in India, promoting interfaith harmony and coexistence.
Update from the 68th UN Commission on the Status of Women

Rev. Dr. Esther Suter reports on UNCSW’s 68th session, covering the digital gender divide, the impact on young women like Toniyah from BGR, and Gambia’s controversial stance on female circumcision.
Watch “Levels of Dialogue: Religious Experience in an Interfaith Context”

In this session, recorded on 13 November 2023 during Inter Faith Week, the British Chapter of the International Association for Religious Freedom, in collaboration with the World Congress of Faiths, embarked on a deep exploration of interreligious dialogue’s dynamic tension between the unique characteristics of different faiths and their universal connections. The event, held via […]
BV Foundation Commemorates International Day of Peace 2023

Summary The BV Foundation for Peace and Harmony, a member group of the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF), hosted a special event in honor of the International Day of Peace on September 21, 2023. The event was conducted at SVVP Degree College in MVP Colony, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, under the chairmanship of Prof. Prakasa […]
Visakhapatnam Commemorates Hiroshima and Nagasaki

by Prof. Narava Prakasa Rao, IC Member, IARF and Chairman, BV Foundation for Peace and Harmony Member Group VISAKHAPATNAM, INDIA – From August 6th to 9th, 2023, the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) in collaboration with the BV Foundation for Peace and Harmony conducted a series of commemorative meetings at various schools and colleges […]
Human Rights Day Observed by the Visakhapatnam Branch

On Saturday, December 10th 2022, the BV Foundation for Peace and Harmony and the India Chapter of the International Association for Religious Freedom Visakhapatnam Branch organized a special meeting to mark World Human Rights Day. The event was held at the SVVP VMC Degree and PG Courses seminar hall in MVP Colney, Visakhapatnam. The purpose […]
Statement by IARF Kenya Chapter concerning current events in the country

Our Kenya Chapter has released the following statement regarding the troubling events taking place in the country. We join them in prayers and hope for a peaceful conduct of elections and national reconciliation later on. You can read more about the situation in Kenya here. 1st August 2017 The International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) […]
2017 International Council Meeting

The International Council* of the IARF had its annual meeting on 19-20 April in IJmuiden, the Netherlands. It was an occasion to share experiences, concerns, ideas and moments of meditation, and savour the atmosphere of diversity, friendship and cooperation that characterizes IARF. This time several people joined the session by teleconference to make the meeting […]