Watch “Levels of Dialogue: Religious Experience in an Interfaith Context”

In this session, recorded on 13 November 2023 during Inter Faith Week, the British Chapter of the International Association for Religious Freedom, in collaboration with the World Congress of Faiths, embarked on a deep exploration of interreligious dialogue’s dynamic tension between the unique characteristics of different faiths and their universal connections. The event, held via […]
Levels of Dialogue: Religious Experience in an Interfaith Context

Join us on Zoom on 13 November All are invited to attend this joint Event of the British Chapter of the International Association for Religious Freedom and the World Congress of Faiths to mark Inter Faith Week on 13 November 2023 from 18.30-20.00 (UK time) on Zoom. You can register for the event and obtain the […]
British Chapter meeting: EME Conference and Week of Prayer for World Peace

Watch our “Conference at a glance” video On Thursday 20 October, at Essex Unitarian Church in Kensington, London, the British Chapter and the Peace Commission of the IARF hosted a report on the August Europe and Middle East IARF Conference in Macedonia, Religion and Conflict Prevention. Speakers were former IARF International Council member Dr. Shlomo Alon […]
Conference Report: Religious Freedom & Responsibility for Planet & People
IARF Peace Commission / World Congress of Faiths / Horsham Interfaith Report on 2013 Conference “Religious Freedom and Responsibility for Planet and People” @Unitarian Church in Horsham, Sussex20-23 August 2013 Report: Horsham hosts international conference (PDF 4 pages) PAPERS (available as a print publication) French, Prof. Hal – The Genius of Interfaith Gehrmann, Dorle – Doing the Splits Hunter, […]
Congress 2014 venue familiarisation
6 July 2013 Rev. Yoshinobu Miyake, representing IARF’s president Most Rev. Mitsuo Miyake, visited Birmingham together with IARF Treasurer Jeff Teagle and British Chapter committee member Derek McAuley (Chief Officer of the Unitarian General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches), as guests of Shaykh Muhammad Amin-Evans, Chair of the Congress Host Committee. They were given a […]
British Chapter committee member elected to IFN-UK Executive
1 July 2013The British Chapter of IARF has congratulated committee member Derek McAuley on his election to the Executive Committee of the Inter Faith Network for the United Kingdom. The Inter Faith Network plays a key role in promoting good relations between people of different faiths in this country and advancing public knowledge and mutual […]
Announcement of 34th World Congress, 2014
“Challenges for Religious Freedom in the digital age” Sun 24 to Weds 27 August 2014 University of Birmingham,United Kingdom Announcement flyer (PDF) Updates (also on Twitter and Facebook Friends and Event pages) Information to date on the Congress
Tehmina Kazi on Religion, Religious Freedom and Secularism
Religion, Religious Freedom and Secularism – by Tehmina Kazi This article appeared in the March 2013 edition of the IARF British Chapter’s Newsletter and IARF Peacemaking Commission News For the last three and a half years, I have been the Director of a registered charity named British Muslims for Secular Democracy. When I tell […]
President joins signatories to G8 letter
IARF President Most Rev. Mitsuo Miyake and Council member Rev. Takeshi Nishida were among 80 religious leaders signatory to a letter to the Financial Times urging G8 countries to follow the UK in meeting existing commitments to spend 0.7% of national income on aid. Original FT article requires subscription to view, but this story is reported on […]
IARF Peace Commission Conference 2013
Theme: RELIGIOUS FREEDOM & RESPONSIBILITY Co-Sponsored by IARF Peacemaking Commission and World Congress of Faiths (WCF) Starts 20 August, continue though 23 or 24 August. @Unitarian Church in Horsham (25 minutes from Gatwick Airport, one hour from London) rooms in the Travelodge 100 yards away. Registration, room and board: £260 (approx $390 US), reduced for shared rooming.£50 […]