EME 2012 conference – forms

  EME region conference 2012 – Trifold flyer   (PDF, 2 pages) EME region conference 2012 – Updated Programme Information (4 July) (PDF, 2 pages) EME region conference 2012 – Registration Form (PDF, 1 page)    

British Chapter AGM 2012

  British IARF AGM 2012 (PDF, 1 page)    

Council member addresses Bektashi Sufi symposium, Albania

 Council member & Chair of our Europe & Middle East region, Rev. Drs. Wytske Dijkstra, was invited to attend & address on behalf of IARF a symposium of the Bektashi Sufi Order in Tirana, Albania, in commemoration of their late leader Haji Reshat Bardhi Dedebaba (1935–2011). The audience included the Prime Minister of Albania and other government ministers, civil servants, and representatives […]

Dr. Dhalla in Munich, 2011

“Bound to Live Together: Faiths & Cultures in Dialogue”, Munich, Sept 11-13, 2011 IARF’s Dr. Dhalla lights the Lamp of Peace on behalf of the Zoroastrian community worldwide On 11 September 2011, a commemoration ceremony was held in the open for the victims who perished in the tragedy of 9/11 in New York. This was […]

TED talk by Council member Yehuda Stolov

  Dr. Yehuda Stolov, IARF Council representative from our Israel member group the Interfaith Encounter Association (IEA), delivered a TED talk at TEDx Jaffa, 2011.    

“Dialogue between religions: Future or past?”

  Saturday, October 15, 2011 Amsterdam (video, Dutch language) A seminar about the how & why of a dialogue between the religions (Does this dialogue have a future?  How to do the dialogue of the future? ) Speakers included Manuela Kalsky & Bart Brandsma. The seminar was organized by the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) Netherlands Core Rural Female Trialogue (KLVT) Inter Religious Reflection – Dutch Centre forInter-religious and philosophical dialogue (IB NSID) United Religions Initiative (URI) Netherlands World Conference on […]

Ethics, Ecology & the Interdependent Web

  19 February 2011 – A  conference in Croydon, England, sponsored by the International Association for Religious Freedom and the World Congress of Faiths, and inspired by Datuk Leslie Davidson, who received the 2008 Meredeka Award for his service to the people of Malaysia. Davidson may have done as much to feed the world as any other human being […]

“Michael Servetus: 500 years”

On 15 January 2011 the UK Chapter celebrated Servetus’s 500th birth anniversary.. “Michael Servetus: 500 years” at Rosslyn Hill Chapel, Hampstead, London Jeff Teagle lighting the chalice Order of service

‘Journey to Compassion’ retreat

The ‘Journey to Compassion’ retreat (with World Congress of Faiths) took place on 8 – 10 March 2011 at the Brahma Kumaris Global Retreat Centre. 36 joined our IARF/WCF retreat near Oxford. The speaker was Camilla Carr, who spoke on forgiveness. Her book, THE SKY IS ALWAYS THERE, tells the story of her 14 months […]

AGM 2011, UK Chapter

Annual General Meeting 12 May Thursday 2011 Dr Williams Library, 14 Gordon Square, London Rev. Christopher Hudson of Belfast gave an inspired & well-illustrated talk on “Reconciliation & Hope” He is joining our British IARF Committee.