Lapido Media – religious literacy

  Centre for Religion in World Affairs “An internationally networked, British-based philanthro-media charity, founded in 2005, that seeks to increase understanding among journalists and opinion formers of the way religion shapes world affairs”.          

New Europe special edition on religious freedom

  Special 2010 edition of New Europe on religious freedom, 35 articles with focus on Europe but ranging wider (and including UN special rapporteur on religious freedom Heiner Bielefeldt).                Religious Freedom – A New Europe special edition (PDF 38 pages, illustrated)      

British Chapter meets Canterbury archbishop

Derek McAuley, Chief Officer of IARF member group the British Unitarian General Assembly, met the Archbishop of Canterbury at an Interfaith Reception at Lambeth Palace on Thursday 22 November 2012. The event was held to celebrate InterFaith Week, mark the 25th Anniversary of the UK’s InterFaith Network, and to recognise the Archbishop’s contribution to inter faith […]

British Unitarians raise concerns about growing threats to religious freedom with UK Government

 07 September 2012 IARF British Chapter board member Derek McAuley, Chief Office of our member group in Great Britain the GAUFCC (General Assembly of Unitarian & Free Christian Churches), has raised his concerns about the growing threats to religious freedom in many parts of the world with new government International Development junior minister, Lynne Featherstone MP.   […]

Dutch Chapter seminar report

2012 Thursday, October 4th @ Apostolic Society, Azielaan 155, 3526 SG Utrecht Theme: “Religion and Diversity: Strength or Dilemma?” IARF Dutch Chapter and her partners in Interfaith Dialogue, express their gratitude to The Apostolic Society in Utrecht, The Netherlands for hosting and sponsoring the seminar. The Keynote speech – “Pussy Riot and the refusing civil servant – […]

Fideology, Trust and Oneness

  A talk given by Rev. Dr. Richard Boeke at the “Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative” (GCGI) 10th Annual International Conference, “Sharing the Wisdom, Shaping the Dream: Reclaiming the Moral & Spiritual Roots of Economics & Capitalism”, Waterperry House, Oxford, September 2-5, 2012…   Fideology, Trust and Oneness (PDF, 7 pages)      

Dutch Chapter, Fall 2012 meeting

  Please see Poster NLG (Dutch Chapter) Fall meeting 4 oktober 2012 (PDF 1 page, Dutch language)      

EME Region Conference 2012, Netherlands

IARF Europe and Middle East (EME) Conference held at the Mennorode Conference Centre, Elspeet, the Netherlands on 19-22 July 2012 Even with the very best website, there is no substitute for the physical, live meeting of people; as a balance to our computer-dominated existence, such first-hand encounters may be gaining importance and serve a much-needed function… – Dorle […]

Derek McAuley meets David Cameron

News from UK member group   Shortly after attending our EME region’s 2012 conference (19-22 July) in the Netherlands, Derek McAuley – Chief Officer of IARF member group the GAUFCC (UK Unitarians) – had a chance to raise current LGBT issues with the British prime minister at a Downing St. reception on 24 July. More here… […]

London Conference on plight of Sabian Mandaeans of Iraq

26th April 2012House of Lords, London IARF was contacted on 20 March 2012 by Dr Layla Alroomi, the spokesperson of the Mandaean Human Rights Group (MHRG), with a request to attend a conference regarding: The plight of the Sabian Mandaeans of Iraq as a Religious, Ethnic and Linguistic minority …getting more serious. Since 2003 this small […]