Limits of Religious Freedom and Tolerance: IARF EME Conference 2025

The IARF Europe and Middle East Regional Conference 2025 will explore the “Limits of Religious Freedom and Tolerance” in Frankfurt and Offenbach, Germany. This hybrid conference, hosted by German IARF member groups, will bring together members from all regions to discuss and promote liberal religion.
Watch “Levels of Dialogue: Religious Experience in an Interfaith Context”

In this session, recorded on 13 November 2023 during Inter Faith Week, the British Chapter of the International Association for Religious Freedom, in collaboration with the World Congress of Faiths, embarked on a deep exploration of interreligious dialogue’s dynamic tension between the unique characteristics of different faiths and their universal connections. The event, held via […]
Commemorating the Anniversary of Professor Van Holk’s Courageous Stance

On its 83rd anniversary, we remember Professor L. van Holk’s (1893-1982) historic protest speech against the persecution of Jews at Leiden University. The International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) commemorates Van Holk not only as a Remonstrant theologian and a revered scholar but also as its dedicated secretary, deeply committed to religious freedom and human […]
Levels of Dialogue: Religious Experience in an Interfaith Context

Join us on Zoom on 13 November All are invited to attend this joint Event of the British Chapter of the International Association for Religious Freedom and the World Congress of Faiths to mark Inter Faith Week on 13 November 2023 from 18.30-20.00 (UK time) on Zoom. You can register for the event and obtain the […]
Spotlighting the IEA, our Member Group in the Holy Land

To learn more about the IEA and its projects, please visit the IEA’s website or write to its office. You can read their 2022 activity report here. If you are a member of the IARF (a Member Group or Chapter), you can also find Dr. Yehuda Stolov on our community platform. The IARF is thrilled […]
IARF Ideals Practiced in Our Congregation – Free-Religious Congregation in Offenbach am Main, Germany

The free-religious community in Offenbach has been a part of the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) since the 1920s. Besides our connection with the international IARF community, a significant concern is promoting dialogue, cooperation, and the further development of religious life among diverse religions and worldviews. Below, we present a few of the projects […]
IALRW’s Congress to Follow the IARF Congress on 7-9 September 2023

The International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) is delighted to announce that our member organisation, the International Association of Liberal Religious Women (IALRW), will be hosting their World Congress in Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár) from the 7th to the 8th of September, 2023. This congress comes directly after the IARF World Congress, presenting a unique opportunity to attend both events in succession.
Festive reflections: Chanukah

In the coming year we will be publishing reflections around the time of big festivals of the many religions represented in IARF. We begin with Chanukah, the Jewish festival of light. The author of this piece is Rabbi Robert Carroll, member of the International Council, our governing body, and the Interfaith Encounter Association, one of […]
EME Conference 2017

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British Chapter meeting: EME Conference and Week of Prayer for World Peace

Watch our “Conference at a glance” video On Thursday 20 October, at Essex Unitarian Church in Kensington, London, the British Chapter and the Peace Commission of the IARF hosted a report on the August Europe and Middle East IARF Conference in Macedonia, Religion and Conflict Prevention. Speakers were former IARF International Council member Dr. Shlomo Alon […]