HRE-RFYN Ahmedabad

@St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat25-26 Jan 2013 Facilitator: Bro. Albert Xaviour  This report is one of five recent Human Rights Education training events organised entirely by our Young Adult program RFYN  (therefore “HRE-RFYN”). They lead a new initiative within the total IARF HRE program to match IARF central funding with self-funding / local contributions. They […]

HRE-RFYN Chhindwara

@Danielson Degree College, Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh28-29 Jan 2013 Facilitator: Bro. Albert Xaviour  This report is one of five recent Human Rights Education training events organised entirely by our Young Adult program RFYN (therefore “HRE-RFYN”). They lead a new initiative in the IARF HRE program to match IARF central funding with self-funding / local contributions. They […]

RFYN Interfaith Peace Rally

Chennai seafront23rd January 2013 Co-ordinators:  Krishnan Ramachandran, Anbumani Arumugam, Nitya Saheba The rally was held in consonance with the UN declared Interfaith Harmony Week (February every year) to be observed by organisations across the world. We are happy that the rally attracted 800-odd students from 3 districts in and around Chennai city. There was representation from […]

HRE-RFYN at three locales

Three Human Rights Education & Training (HRET) events run by HRE Facilitator & RFYN representative on IARF Council, Bro. Albert Xaviour, with the assistance of Support Facilitator Ms. Janhvi Gupte. These events were organised entirely by our Young Adult program RFYN (therefore “HRE-RFYN”). They lead a new initiative in the IARF HRE program, to match IARF central funding […]

HRET at Sri Venkateshwara

@Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering & Technology (SVCET), Tiruvallur, Chennai:  Human Rights Education training 22-23 November 2012 Facilitator: Bro. Albert Xaviour This training event is among the first in a new initiative in the IARF HRE program, by the young adult network RFYN, to match IARF central funding with self-funding / local contributions. Its report below is […]

SACC-RFYN Conference, Mysore 2012

@Adhichunchanagiri Mutt, Mysore, Karnataka, India 30th – 31st Oct 2012 Organiser:  Prof. Anbumani Arumugam, International Young Adult President, IARF-RFYN.   Report (PDF, 11 pages illustrated) Photos    

RFYN International Youth Conference 2012

24 to 28 September 2012 @Nobili Pastoral Centre, Madurai, TamilNadu, India Organized in association with the Angelo Province of the Institute of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, India.  A historic gathering for IARF in being a first attempt to be self-funded (that is, funded entirely from local member group contributions). 21 different Sacred Heart bodies around […]

Bangladesh Chapter launches young adult branch

23-25 September 2012@Department of World Religions, Dhaka University, Bangladesh A reception for the visit to Bangladesh by IARF-JLC member Rev. Takahiro Miwa (accompanied by Mrs. Yukari Miwa and IARF-SACC president Dr. Thomas Mathew) was organised by the head of the Bangladesh Chapter of IARF-SACC, Dr. Kazi Nurul Islam (of the Department of World Religions, Dhaka […]

Hiroshima-Nagasaki Memorial Day 2012 Bangalore

@Infant Jesus Matriculation School, Bangalore6 Aug 2012 Organized by Janhvi Gupte (RFYN Indore) Report (PDF, 3 pages illustrated)   See also the related events in Chennai, Mysore and Tamil Nadu.      

International RFYN Conference 2012, Madurai

Time Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five 7.00am Arrival & Registration Morning Prayer Meditation Yoga Morning Prayer 8.00am Breakfast   9.00am Inaugural Celebration Recalling Yesterday Activities 10.30am Introductory and Ice-breaking Sessions Session Four:- Leaders for the New Century for peace activities Visiting Various Interfaith Centers  Madurai, Rameswaram Session Nine:-  UN Human […]