Human Rights Education workshop 2005, Vishakhapatnam

  9 – 10 July 2005 St. Ann’s College for Women, Malkapuram, Vishakhapatnam. Organized by local member group, Bala Vikas Foundation for Peace & Harmony (BVFPH).   Report (PDF, 4 pages)

RFYN Empowerment Training

Davao, Philippines  26 Dec 2003 – 3 Jan 2004 Thirty young people from all over the Philippines attended the IARF’s RFYN empowerment training at Waterfront Hotel in Davao City, Mindanao – ‘IPs’ (indigenous people), Christians, Moslems and Unitarians.  Oxford-based Ramola Sundram, the RFYN International Co-ordinator, came to Davao, as did Japan-based Morse Flores, a Filipino ‘IP’ (indigenous […]

North American annual conference 2012 report

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International Young Adult Program, Chennai, 2009

   September 11th to 13th, 2009@ Dhyana Ashram,  Chennai   The Role of Young Adults in Human Rights and Duties (PDF, illustrated, 12 pages) Visit Flickr page (new tab)

Japan & U.S. Chapters’ first person-to-person exchange

  On 20th October 2011 a delegation of 23 members of the Japan Chapter of the IARF arrived in Washington, D.C., led by former IARF President Rev. Norio Sakai.Please see the reports below. While still in Boston, Rev. Sakai asked Rev. Richard Kellaway if he would help organize a return visit to Japan. This is planned for October 2012. […]

“Dialogue between religions: Future or past?”

  Saturday, October 15, 2011 Amsterdam (video, Dutch language) A seminar about the how & why of a dialogue between the religions (Does this dialogue have a future?  How to do the dialogue of the future? ) Speakers included Manuela Kalsky & Bart Brandsma. The seminar was organized by the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) Netherlands Core Rural Female Trialogue (KLVT) Inter Religious Reflection – Dutch Centre forInter-religious and philosophical dialogue (IB NSID) United Religions Initiative (URI) Netherlands World Conference on […]

2011 Annual General Meeting of India Chapter

  @ Adichunchanagiri Mahasamsthama Matt, Mysore Branch 9th October 2011 Please visit the photo set on Flickr.

Caussanel Inter-religious Students movement, 2010-2011

  Caussanel Inter Religious Students Movement was started at  Thirunelveli, in Tamil Nadu  State,  India, with the motto of Universal Brotherhood… Report (PDF, illustrated, 5 pages) Visit Flickr page for inter-religious students’ program held on 13th Nov 2010.    

India Chapter 13th national conference, 2009

  20-21 December 2009Jagadguru Sri Veerasimhasana Mahasamasthana Math, Suttur Sri Kshetra, Mysore District (Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Shivaratri Deshikendrsa Mahaswamigalu provided free accommodation & their international Conference venue on both days to all 350 delegates). Report (PDF, 7 pages) Program (PDF, 5 pages) [nggallery id=16]

U.S. Chapter Newsletter, Autumn 2009

We hope you enjoy the fall edition of our U.S. Chapter newsletter…. Autumn 2009, vol 10.3 FINAL