Pakistan Chapter – Hiroshima & Nagasaki Peace Exhibition 2012

For Hiroshima Day 2012 (6 August)Sargodha, Pakistan As a contribution to awareness-raising on nuclear issues in the 2012 approach to the annual international remembrance day for the atomic holocaust, our Pakistan chapter launched an awareness-raising exhibition in its home city of Sargodha, titled ‘Never again Hiroshima, Nagasaki never again‘. Guests at the opening, which took place […]

Rakhi festival at Tirunelveli branch

  IARF Tirunelveli Branch (Tamilnadu) and Brahma Kumari Raja Yoga center jointly celebrated the Rakhi Festival on 7 August 2012    

HRET Program, Erode, TamilNadu

Human Rights Education & Training (HRET) @Infant Jesus School, Budapadi, Erode, TamilNadu, India21 – 22 June 2012 Facilitators: Bro. Albert Xaviour and Bro. Britto   Report (PDF 2 pages, illustrated)        

British Chapter AGM: talks

2012 Annual General Meeting of the IARF British Chapter19 May 2012, Unitarian Church Croydon, London “Challenges to Civil & Religious Liberty Today” (350th Anniversary of the Great Ejection of 1662) Rev. Andrew Hill spoke on The Great Ejection in 1662, of two thousand Puritan clergymen from Church of England, which eventually led to the foundation of […]

Pakistan Chapter: Interfaith in Youth IARF Cricket Gala 2012

Interfaith Cricket MatchEid-Ghah grounds, Sargodha8 June 2012 This was a floodlit night match with young Muslim, Baha’i and Christians participants, reported in the Daily Aftab and its Sunday magazine. As a boundary wall, banners were hung that carried texts about peace and harmony between religions. Please see photos here (link to Picasa) Interfaith in Youth is a program […]

IARF-SACC interfaith activities 2011-12

  Please download this presentation on the non-project activities in our South Asia region from 2011 to date (May 2012).   IARF-SACC interfaith activities 2011-12 (presentation, .ppsx format)    

London Conference on plight of Sabian Mandaeans of Iraq

26th April 2012House of Lords, London IARF was contacted on 20 March 2012 by Dr Layla Alroomi, the spokesperson of the Mandaean Human Rights Group (MHRG), with a request to attend a conference regarding: The plight of the Sabian Mandaeans of Iraq as a Religious, Ethnic and Linguistic minority …getting more serious. Since 2003 this small […]

US Chapter Conference 2012

  This year’s  IARF-US conference was held February 3-5, 2012 at Hilton Head, South Carolina, at the Hilton Oceanfront Resort, in connection with the UN-sponsored World Interfaith Harmony Week (theme: “Faith, Interfaith, and Freedom”). For reportback, see the relevant Chapter Newsletter (PDF). Sri Kota’s conference notes Photos (link to US chapter site) Opening Ceremony performance by college group Cocktails  

National Chapter formed in Nepal

  A new chapter has been founded in Nepal. Formed in May 2003, the chapter has already held an inauguration ceremony (attended by 125 people) and sponsored both an art and essay competition at two secondary schools. In October 2003, the chapter sponsored four half-day programmes in western Nepal (Terai region) that examined the situations […]

Human Rights Education training of Dalits & Adivasis, Kerala

May 2009 from the Report (PDF, 2 pages): In May the second phase of the HRE program in Kerala began enthusiastically, with a new India Chapter branch opening after a program at the Adivasi & Dalit House Settlement Colony at Kurumthar in Pathanamthitta district.   [nggallery id=18]