Interfaith dialogue in Nepal Chapter
24 November 2012Kathmandu, Nepal Report: Interfaith dialogue on Religious Tolerance & Citizen’s Responsibility (PDF, 10 pages illustrated) Photos
Report on 14th India Chapter Conference
30-31 October 2012Sri Adichunchanagiri Mahasamsthana Mutt, Mandya District, Karnataka, India Report on 14th India Chapter Conference (PDF illustrated, 22 pages – 13mb)
HRE workshop at Indian College of Education
20-21 October 2012Vellore, TamilNadu Facilitator: Mr. K. Ramachandran Report_ HRE at Indian College of Education, Vellore (PDF illustrated, 5 pages) Photos
HRE training at NBM Law College, Visakhapatnam
12 & 13 October 2012 Facilitators: Prof. N. Prakasa Rao and Ms. EPS Bhagyalakshmi Report of HRE held at NBM Law College, Vishakhapatnam
SACC-RFYN Conference, Mysore 2012
@Adhichunchanagiri Mutt, Mysore, Karnataka, India 30th – 31st Oct 2012 Organiser: Prof. Anbumani Arumugam, International Young Adult President, IARF-RFYN. Report (PDF, 11 pages illustrated) Photos
HRE workshop in Orissa
Siddheswar College, Balasore, Odisha (Orissa), India6-7 October 2012 This kind of program actually brings us to a new horizon in life. As a member of minority community, it gives lot of ideas and inspiration to me. Report (PDF, 5 pages illustrated) Photos
RFYN International Youth Conference 2012
24 to 28 September 2012 @Nobili Pastoral Centre, Madurai, TamilNadu, India Organized in association with the Angelo Province of the Institute of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, India. A historic gathering for IARF in being a first attempt to be self-funded (that is, funded entirely from local member group contributions). 21 different Sacred Heart bodies around […]
Bangladesh chapter statement on anti-Buddhist riots
Attack on the Buddhists and their Temples in Bangladesh A Report by IARF Bangladesh Chapter 07 October 2012 On the night of the 29th September 2012 a militant group of people attacked the Buddhist communities of Ramu, a small town in the district of Cox’s Bazar of Chittagong division in Bangladesh. The culprits set […]
Bangladesh Chapter launches young adult branch
23-25 September 2012@Department of World Religions, Dhaka University, Bangladesh A reception for the visit to Bangladesh by IARF-JLC member Rev. Takahiro Miwa (accompanied by Mrs. Yukari Miwa and IARF-SACC president Dr. Thomas Mathew) was organised by the head of the Bangladesh Chapter of IARF-SACC, Dr. Kazi Nurul Islam (of the Department of World Religions, Dhaka […]
International Day of Peace, South Asia region
21 September 2012 The IDP was marked in several locales of our South Asia region. The theme of this year’s observances was “Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future“.