Human Rights Education workshop at Hindupur college

  19-20 November 2010 At SDGS MBA College, Hindupur, Andhra Pradesh Visit the photo set on Flickr      

India Chapter 13th national conference, 2009

  20-21 December 2009Jagadguru Sri Veerasimhasana Mahasamasthana Math, Suttur Sri Kshetra, Mysore District (Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Shivaratri Deshikendrsa Mahaswamigalu provided free accommodation & their international Conference venue on both days to all 350 delegates). Report (PDF, 7 pages) Program (PDF, 5 pages) [nggallery id=16]

National Workshop on Religion, Human Rights & Peace, India 2009

  15 April, 2009Government Arts College, Paramakudi, TamilNadu Jointly organized by:– South Asian Coordination Council (SACC) of  IARF– Amnesty Panchayats of Government Arts College, Paramakudi– Alagappa University Evening College– Guru Rural Empowerment & Action Trust, Paramakudi   Report (PDF, 3 pages)            

Human Rights Day 2008, Mysore

  Wednesday 10 December 2008 At: Sahukar Channaiah Auditorium, Vidhyavardhaka College of Engineering Campus, Mysore Organised by member group Forum for Harmony and Peace, Mysore Report (PDF, 5 pages)  [nggallery id=17]      

Human Rights Day 2008 at Ethiraj College, Chennai

  10 – 11 December 2008, @ Ethiraj College in Chennai We celebrated International Human Rights Day – marking the 60th year of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – with the Postgraduate Department of Human Rights & Duties Education, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai. Report (PDF, 2 pages) [nggallery id=19]      

IION Meeting 2008

  The 2008 meeting of representatives of International Interfaith Organisations (IION) was held in India from October 4th-7th at the Renewal Centre, Azad Road, Kochi, Kerala, in conjunction with the Assembly of the WORLD FELLOWSHIP OF INTER-RELIGIOUS COUNCILS (WFIRC), which is a member of IION. Report by Marcus Braybrooke – IION Kochi 2008  (PDF, 8 […]

International Day of Peace Vigil 2008 in Pakistan

  21 September 2008End Time Message Church, Sargodha Report (PDF illustrated, 5 pages) View slideshow (external link)      

Karnataka 2008 intervention

  On 7th October 2008, leadership of IARF’s India chapter met with the Chief Minister of the state of Karnataka, where anti-Christian riots have claimed lives as in better-reported Orissa. SACC Karnataka 2008 intervention (PDF)    

International Day of Peace Vigil 2008, Mysore

  20th September 2008Teresian College, Mysore [nggallery id=15] Swami Nityasthanandaji, president of Sri Ramakrishna Ashram delivered an inaugural address stressing peace in the world as starting from the home first. It also comes from understanding other religions and their principles. No religion and its books speaks of violence. Today’s youth should work hard to mix with those […]

Fourth SACC Member Group Workshop 2008

23—24 August 2008 Member groups from various parts of Indiaparticipated in the Fourth IARF Member Group & India Chapter Leaders Workshop & Interfaith Seminar, presided over by IARF president Thomas Mathew. 11 Member Groups & India Chapter leaders presented their annual reports of the previous year. They also discussed their involvement in interfaith activities and the […]