Freedom of Expression & Freedom of Religion and Belief: government memorandum
Human rights policy memorandum ‘Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion and Belief’ ….details the Netherlands’ efforts to help achieve universal respect for the freedoms of expression and religion.
HRET Belley Ma Sarada Seva Kendra, W.Bengal
Human Rights Education workshopBelley Ma Sarada Seva Kendra, Rathtala, North 24 Parganas, West Bengal28-29 June 2013 Facilitator: Asit Kumar Basu Report (PDF, 5 pages illustrated) Photos
HRET at Kustia Sabuj Sangha, West Bengal
22-23 June 2013 Human Rights Educationn workshopKustia Sabuj Sangha, Kustia, Sonarpur, South 24 Parganas, West Bengal Facilitator: Asit Kumar Basu Report (PDF, 5 pages illustrated) Photos
Congress 2014 venue familiarisation
6 July 2013 Rev. Yoshinobu Miyake, representing IARF’s president Most Rev. Mitsuo Miyake, visited Birmingham together with IARF Treasurer Jeff Teagle and British Chapter committee member Derek McAuley (Chief Officer of the Unitarian General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches), as guests of Shaykh Muhammad Amin-Evans, Chair of the Congress Host Committee. They were given a […]
British Chapter committee member elected to IFN-UK Executive
1 July 2013The British Chapter of IARF has congratulated committee member Derek McAuley on his election to the Executive Committee of the Inter Faith Network for the United Kingdom. The Inter Faith Network plays a key role in promoting good relations between people of different faiths in this country and advancing public knowledge and mutual […]
EU Guidelines on FoRB Promotion & Protection
On 24 June 2013, the Council of the European Union adopted the Guidelines on the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Religion or Belief, and said the EU will: recall at all appropriate occasions that laws that criminalize blasphemy restrict expression concerning religious or other beliefs; that they are often applied so as to persecute, […]
Launch of Human Rights Resource Centre (HRRC)
Hindupur, Andhra Pradesh, India On Thursday 8 August 2013, a multi-part event marked a new phase in the Human Rights work of RFYN (IARF’s youth network) in India. HRRC Launch Report RFYN Leaders’ Gathering post-HRRC Launch Council member Br. Albert Xaviour, young adult representative on IARF’s international governing board, organized the event, with the indispensable help of […]
Announcement of 34th World Congress, 2014
“Challenges for Religious Freedom in the digital age” Sun 24 to Weds 27 August 2014 University of Birmingham,United Kingdom Announcement flyer (PDF) Updates (also on Twitter and Facebook Friends and Event pages) Information to date on the Congress
HRET Vivekananda Seva Nikatan, W. Bengal
Human Rights Education workshop @Vivekananda Seva Nikatan, West Bengal 30 April-1 May 2013 Facilitator: Asit Kumar Basu Report (PDF, 6 pages illustrated) Photos
Tehmina Kazi on Religion, Religious Freedom and Secularism
Religion, Religious Freedom and Secularism – by Tehmina Kazi This article appeared in the March 2013 edition of the IARF British Chapter’s Newsletter and IARF Peacemaking Commission News For the last three and a half years, I have been the Director of a registered charity named British Muslims for Secular Democracy. When I tell […]