British Chapter AGM 2012

  British IARF AGM 2012 (PDF, 1 page)    

Council member addresses Bektashi Sufi symposium, Albania

 Council member & Chair of our Europe & Middle East region, Rev. Drs. Wytske Dijkstra, was invited to attend & address on behalf of IARF a symposium of the Bektashi Sufi Order in Tirana, Albania, in commemoration of their late leader Haji Reshat Bardhi Dedebaba (1935–2011). The audience included the Prime Minister of Albania and other government ministers, civil servants, and representatives […]

India on USCIRF watch list again (2012)

  India, March 21, 2012: The US government panel that monitors global religious freedom has once again listed India among countries that require close monitoring due to religious freedom violation.   USCIRF Identifies World’s Worst Religious Freedom Violators    

US Chapter Conference 2012

  This year’s  IARF-US conference was held February 3-5, 2012 at Hilton Head, South Carolina, at the Hilton Oceanfront Resort, in connection with the UN-sponsored World Interfaith Harmony Week (theme: “Faith, Interfaith, and Freedom”). For reportback, see the relevant Chapter Newsletter (PDF). Sri Kota’s conference notes Photos (link to US chapter site) Opening Ceremony performance by college group Cocktails  

National Chapter formed in Nepal

  A new chapter has been founded in Nepal. Formed in May 2003, the chapter has already held an inauguration ceremony (attended by 125 people) and sponsored both an art and essay competition at two secondary schools. In October 2003, the chapter sponsored four half-day programmes in western Nepal (Terai region) that examined the situations […]

Human Rights Education training of Dalits & Adivasis, Kerala

May 2009 from the Report (PDF, 2 pages): In May the second phase of the HRE program in Kerala began enthusiastically, with a new India Chapter branch opening after a program at the Adivasi & Dalit House Settlement Colony at Kurumthar in Pathanamthitta district.   [nggallery id=18]      

Human Rights Education workshop 2005, Vishakhapatnam

  9 – 10 July 2005 St. Ann’s College for Women, Malkapuram, Vishakhapatnam. Organized by local member group, Bala Vikas Foundation for Peace & Harmony (BVFPH).   Report (PDF, 4 pages)

Rajahmundry 2004

  Under the auspices of SACC and Rajahmundry Interfaith Project, a Two-day Young Adult Programme was organised at Rajahmundry on 26th and 27th June 2004. Twenty-three young adults from different local colleges and eight young adults from Vizag participated. Among them were 15 male and 16 female participants – 22 Hindu, 4 Christian, 3 Jain and 2 Muslim. Rev. […]

Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli 2004

                23 October 2004 Brief Report on RFYN Palayamkottai, Thirunelveli (PDF) @Angelo Mat. Higher Secondary School, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli

IARF leaders meet the Dalai Lama again

  In early November 2010, two months after the IARF’s 33rd Congress in India which His Holiness inaugurated, he came to the Kansai region of Japan, on 7th attending a Peace Conference of Youth in Osaka (where our Secretariat has been based); and on 8th November he was guest of honour at World Heritage site […]