Human Rights Education program – report June-July 2012

  Two Human Rights Education trainings:   Simdega College, Ranchi, Jharkhand state – 23‐24 June 2012 St. Joseph College for Women, Gynapuram, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh state – 09‐10 July 2012 Report  (PDF, 11 pages illustrated)      

Hiroshima Day 2012 remembrance event, Mysore

  @ Sri Nalvadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar Auditorium, Senate Bhavan, Manasagangotri,  Mysore, India 9 August 2012   Reports of the event in the national press: When miseries rained on two Japanese cities A-bomb attack survivor calls for nuclear-free world ‘The roof of our house was blown away’   Local press reports: [nggallery id=27]   See also the related […]

HRE training at Raja Peary Mohan College, W. Bengal

28th & 29th July 2012 Uttarpara, Hooghly, West Bengal.Facilitator:  Asit Basu   Report of HRE Workshop held in Raja Peary Mohan College      

Chennai remembrance on Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day 2012

International Peace Symposium Organised jointly by the Department of Human Rights & Duties Education of Ethiraj College for Women, and IARF-SACC-RFYN, Chennai. Mr. Hiroo Iso, an official Hiroshima survivor (Hibakusha), landed in Chennai, India on 10th August 2012… The program is part of a tour of Mr. Iso in India organised by the Hiroshima Peace […]

EME Region Conference 2012, Netherlands

IARF Europe and Middle East (EME) Conference held at the Mennorode Conference Centre, Elspeet, the Netherlands on 19-22 July 2012 Even with the very best website, there is no substitute for the physical, live meeting of people; as a balance to our computer-dominated existence, such first-hand encounters may be gaining importance and serve a much-needed function… – Dorle […]

All-Religions Conference, Manujoti Ashram

Manujothi Ashram, Sathianagaram, Tiruneliveli, Tamilnadu (India)19th July 2012  IARF leaders were invited to join the 43rd Kalki Jayanthi Celebrations of Manujothi Ashram, as a fellowship day of world religions to promote universal brotherhood and unity of India. Manujothi Ashram was founded by Lord Lahari Krishna as a place for worship, living and meditating together. Rest of report: All-Religions […]

Derek McAuley meets David Cameron

News from UK member group   Shortly after attending our EME region’s 2012 conference (19-22 July) in the Netherlands, Derek McAuley – Chief Officer of IARF member group the GAUFCC (UK Unitarians) – had a chance to raise current LGBT issues with the British prime minister at a Downing St. reception on 24 July. More here… […]

International RFYN Conference 2012, Madurai

Time Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five 7.00am Arrival & Registration Morning Prayer Meditation Yoga Morning Prayer 8.00am Breakfast   9.00am Inaugural Celebration Recalling Yesterday Activities 10.30am Introductory and Ice-breaking Sessions Session Four:- Leaders for the New Century for peace activities Visiting Various Interfaith Centers  Madurai, Rameswaram Session Nine:-  UN Human […]

Pakistan Chapter – Hiroshima & Nagasaki Peace Exhibition 2012

For Hiroshima Day 2012 (6 August)Sargodha, Pakistan As a contribution to awareness-raising on nuclear issues in the 2012 approach to the annual international remembrance day for the atomic holocaust, our Pakistan chapter launched an awareness-raising exhibition in its home city of Sargodha, titled ‘Never again Hiroshima, Nagasaki never again‘. Guests at the opening, which took place […]

Rakhi festival at Tirunelveli branch

  IARF Tirunelveli Branch (Tamilnadu) and Brahma Kumari Raja Yoga center jointly celebrated the Rakhi Festival on 7 August 2012