IARF-US Launches Monthly Discussion Series

The US Chapter of the International Association for Religious Freedom is excited to announce a new monthly discussion series. On the third Wednesday of each month between April and December 2024, presenters will share their personal global spiritualities or alternately provide suggestions for how to support the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)—an essential element […]

Winner of the Dana McLean Greeley Award for young adult interfaith work

After carefully considering the 12 applications we received this year, each well-prepared and outlining a valuable project we would love to support, the Greeley Award Committee, tasked with this difficult duty, decided to award the project submitted by The Sanctuaries: Interfaith Arts Education. This is how The Sanctuaries elaborate on their mission to ignite the […]

Save the Date: The 35th World Congress: August 2018, Washington DC

We are pleased to announce the Interfaith Conference that will incorporate the 35th World Congress of the IARF: Reimagining Interfaith Cooperation. The Conference, to be held on 29 July – 1 August 2018 in Washington DC, USA, is a joint project of the IARF, the Unitarian Universalist Association, our member group, and our partners: the United Religions Initiative, the United […]

In memory of Rev. Dr. Orlanda Brugnola

The IARF has lost an exceptional member with the passing of Rev. Dr. Orlanda Brugnola (1946-2016) who died on 24 February. She was a human rights activist, advocate of interfaith dialogue, a Unitarian minister and a scholar. Her involvement with the IARF began many years ago; she was active in our American Chapter and represented us […]

Guidelines for arranging group visits to Houses of Worship

  From Scarboro Missions, comprehensive guidelines for visiting houses of worship of various faiths, authored by renowned Canadian multifaith educator, JW Windland.          

Principles and Guidelines for Interfaith Dialogue

  Scarboro Missions is a Canadian Roman Catholic Mission Society whose interfaith work  in Canada “is also a support and inspiration to interfaith activity in Scarboro Missions’ overseas missions. In Canada, we are likewise inspired and supported by Scarboro members working overseas in pluralist environments”.   Principles and Guidelines for Interfaith Dialogue    

RFYN Madurai meets US Chapter tour

18th May 2012 Madurai, India   An encounter of the young adults of RFYN from Madurai, Tamil Nadu, with a group of graduate students from the University of South Carolina, led by Prof. Hal French, chair of the US Chapter.   Report: US Chapter student tour meets RFYN Madurai (PDF illustrated, 4 pages)            

US Chapter Conference 2012

  This year’s  IARF-US conference was held February 3-5, 2012 at Hilton Head, South Carolina, at the Hilton Oceanfront Resort, in connection with the UN-sponsored World Interfaith Harmony Week (theme: “Faith, Interfaith, and Freedom”). For reportback, see the relevant Chapter Newsletter (PDF). Sri Kota’s conference notes Photos (link to US chapter site) Opening Ceremony performance by college group Cocktails  

North American annual conference 2012 report

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Japan & U.S. Chapters’ first person-to-person exchange

  On 20th October 2011 a delegation of 23 members of the Japan Chapter of the IARF arrived in Washington, D.C., led by former IARF President Rev. Norio Sakai.Please see the reports below. While still in Boston, Rev. Sakai asked Rev. Richard Kellaway if he would help organize a return visit to Japan. This is planned for October 2012. […]