RFYN Madurai meets US Chapter tour
18th May 2012 Madurai, India An encounter of the young adults of RFYN from Madurai, Tamil Nadu, with a group of graduate students from the University of South Carolina, led by Prof. Hal French, chair of the US Chapter. Report: US Chapter student tour meets RFYN Madurai (PDF illustrated, 4 pages)
London Conference on plight of Sabian Mandaeans of Iraq
26th April 2012House of Lords, London IARF was contacted on 20 March 2012 by Dr Layla Alroomi, the spokesperson of the Mandaean Human Rights Group (MHRG), with a request to attend a conference regarding: The plight of the Sabian Mandaeans of Iraq as a Religious, Ethnic and Linguistic minority …getting more serious. Since 2003 this small […]
EME 2012 conference – forms
EME region conference 2012 – Trifold flyer (PDF, 2 pages) EME region conference 2012 – Updated Programme Information (4 July) (PDF, 2 pages) EME region conference 2012 – Registration Form (PDF, 1 page)
Council member addresses Bektashi Sufi symposium, Albania
Council member & Chair of our Europe & Middle East region, Rev. Drs. Wytske Dijkstra, was invited to attend & address on behalf of IARF a symposium of the Bektashi Sufi Order in Tirana, Albania, in commemoration of their late leader Haji Reshat Bardhi Dedebaba (1935–2011). The audience included the Prime Minister of Albania and other government ministers, civil servants, and representatives […]
US Chapter Conference 2012
This year’s IARF-US conference was held February 3-5, 2012 at Hilton Head, South Carolina, at the Hilton Oceanfront Resort, in connection with the UN-sponsored World Interfaith Harmony Week (theme: “Faith, Interfaith, and Freedom”). For reportback, see the relevant Chapter Newsletter (PDF). Sri Kota’s conference notes Photos (link to US chapter site) Opening Ceremony performance by college group Cocktails
Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day 2011 – Thirunelveli
@ Thiruvalluvar College, Thirunelveli, Tamilnadu, Please visit the photo set on Flickr.
Human Rights Day 2011 in Chennai
@Shri Krishnaswamy College for Women, Chennai Please visit the photo set on Flickr.
Human Rights Day 2011, Hindupur
Hindupur, Andhra Pradesh Please visit the photo set on Flickr.
2011 Ramadan & Ganesh Chaturathi at Angelo Institution, Hindupur
2011 Ramadan & Ganesh Chaturathi at Angelo Institution, Hindupur Please visit the photo set on Flickr.
Human Rights Day 2011, Hindupur
Report on Human Rights Day 2011 in Hindupur Organised by the IARF-RFYN young adults’ network in Hindupur, Andhra Pradesh, India See photos here (opens new tab in Flickr)