Kenya Chapter press conference
IARF’s new Chapter in Kenya held its first press briefing with reference to the Westgate shopping mall attack in Nairobi on 21 September 2013, by Somalia-based Al-Shabaab. The Chapter’s particular concern is a possible Islamophobic backlash against members of Kenya’s Somali community. It hopes to establish a media presence that advocates the principles for which […]
First Kenya Chapter upcountry events
South Nyanza Region interfaith program – Report (PDF 3 pages, illustrated) Human Rights Education event, Kitale [portfolio_slideshow] Chapter Secretary’s Introductory Address To our distinguished guest, leaders and the IARF members, Shalom! I would first want to acknowledge the presence on the stage of Hon. Governor, County Representative, area OCPD, Chief and other distinguished guests. I also […]
Launch of Human Rights Education Resource Centre (HRERC)
6th November 2013Launch of Human Rights Education Resource Centre (HRERC)@Sri.Venkateshwara College of Engineering & Technology Tiruvallur District, TamilNadu Following the launch of the HRRC at Hindupur in August this year, a second centre with the same objectives has been opened. Please see the report here (PDF 4 pages, illustrated)
Conference Report: Religious Freedom & Responsibility for Planet & People
IARF Peace Commission / World Congress of Faiths / Horsham Interfaith Report on 2013 Conference “Religious Freedom and Responsibility for Planet and People” @Unitarian Church in Horsham, Sussex20-23 August 2013 Report: Horsham hosts international conference (PDF 4 pages) PAPERS (available as a print publication) French, Prof. Hal – The Genius of Interfaith Gehrmann, Dorle – Doing the Splits Hunter, […]
Thomas Mathew at UUA GA
IARF South Asia Co-ordinating Council chairman Dr. Thomas Mathew represented IARF at UUA General Assembly on June 19-23, 2013 in Louisville, Kentucky, USA. A personal account of his participation: An outsider became an insider (PDF 2 pages illustrated)
Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day 2013, Vishakhapatnam
6 – 9 August 2013 Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India IARF member group Bala Vikas Foundation for Peace & Harmony is organising commemorative meetings around the city with the goal of inculcating an anti- nuclear mindset in the public, especially the student community. A photo exhibition showcasing the Hiroshima and Nagasaki explosions is also part of the events. On 6th, […]
Congress 2014 venue familiarisation
6 July 2013 Rev. Yoshinobu Miyake, representing IARF’s president Most Rev. Mitsuo Miyake, visited Birmingham together with IARF Treasurer Jeff Teagle and British Chapter committee member Derek McAuley (Chief Officer of the Unitarian General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches), as guests of Shaykh Muhammad Amin-Evans, Chair of the Congress Host Committee. They were given a […]
Announcement of 34th World Congress, 2014
“Challenges for Religious Freedom in the digital age” Sun 24 to Weds 27 August 2014 University of Birmingham,United Kingdom Announcement flyer (PDF) Updates (also on Twitter and Facebook Friends and Event pages) Information to date on the Congress
RFYN meets UN official India visit
27 April 2013, Chennai Following the wave of concern over women’s issues in India since the New Delhi rape atrocity of December 2012, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in the United Nations arranged, under the ‘Special Procedures’ instrument for human rights issues, a country visit by the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, from April […]
Council meeting 2013
[nggallery id=31] REPORT: 2013 International Council meeting at the Konko Church of Izuo in Osaka, 17-19 April 2013 Preceded by the annual Executive meeting – hosted once more by our Osaka member group Shitennoji Temple – the two-day annual board meeting ended on Friday (19 April), in general agreement that this was the most positive so far during the […]