Fourth SACC Member Group Workshop 2008

23—24 August 2008 Member groups from various parts of Indiaparticipated in the Fourth IARF Member Group & India Chapter Leaders Workshop & Interfaith Seminar, presided over by IARF president Thomas Mathew. 11 Member Groups & India Chapter leaders presented their annual reports of the previous year. They also discussed their involvement in interfaith activities and the […]

IARF Belfast Conference July, 2008

  24-27 July 2008 IARF Europe & Middle East members gathered for a conference in Belfast, N. Ireland, sponsored by the ELPN (European Liberal Protestant Network) and the IARF. EME Conference Belfast 2008 – Report by Jeff Teagle (PDF illustrated, 9 pages) Belfast 2008 – report by Rev. Dick Boekem (PDF, 4 pages)

4th SACC Member Group Workshop, 2008

    4th IARF-SACC Member groups’ & Chapter leaders’ 2-day Workshop & Interfaith seminar  Mysore, 23-24 August 2008   Please see the report here (PDF)          

Natalie Gulbrandsen Day, May 8

Thursday, May 8th@ Meadville Lombard Theological School A celebration of the life of Natalie Gulbrandsen, dd 1991, former moderator of the UUA and a leader in so many peace and justice issues. Friends of the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists and the International Association for Religious Freedom, U.S. Chapter, will honor Natalie. Details  

IARF U.S. Chapter Newsletter~Winter 2008

Members and Friends of IARF, We hope you enjoy our recent edition of the U. S. Chapter Newsletter! As always we welcome your feedback and input.winter-2008-vol-9_issue-1-final.pdf

The 12th IARF India Chapter conference, 2007

  Held in the southern tip city of India, Kanyakumari, on 14-16 December 2007. The conference was inaugurated by the Honorable Law Minister of India (State) K. Venkitapathy, and the valedictory function led by the Honorable High Court Judge P. Jyothi Mani. Around 250 delegates from different parts of India and many dignitaries – bishops, […]

Boston Dialogue Foundation Program

“Muhammad: Prophet of Islam“ Sunday evening, April 1st, 2007 IARF US Chapter Board members attended a special program in Boston hosted by the Boston Dialogue Foundation, the MIT Rumi Club, the Fountain, and the Graduate Rumi Club of NorthEastern University. We were treated to a delicious dinner and great conversation with our table mates, who […]

Slideshow of 2006 Congress

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Interfaith program, Leh (Kashmir) branch, 2005

Organized by Ven. Bhikku Sanghasena, Leh branch chairman. 25 August, 2005   Around 400 specially invited delegates from India and abroad attended. Five delegates from member group IALRW (Japan) also attended this grand program on the banks of the Indus River. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama attended and delivered an inaugural speech in which he […]

Gandhi Jayanti 2004

  On October 2nd of every year Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday is celebrated.  This is popularly called “Gandhi Jayanthi”. Gandhiji is universally known as an apostle of peace.  On this day this year Khwaja Gharib-Un-Nawaz Inter-faith Centre (KGNWC) chose to arrange a talk by Mr.H.S. Doreswamy who is respected as a Gandhian and a freedom fighter.  […]