Tehmina Kazi on Religion, Religious Freedom and Secularism

  Religion, Religious Freedom and Secularism – by Tehmina Kazi This article appeared in the March 2013 edition of the IARF British Chapter’s Newsletter and IARF Peacemaking Commission News For the last three and a half years, I have been the Director of a registered charity named British Muslims for Secular Democracy. When I tell […]

Some current human rights concerns

28 May 2013It is often difficult to manage the tide of news on widespread violation of human rights around the globe. From Dr. Homi Dhalla, who was recently awarded recognition by the Government of Kazakhstan for his interfaith work, here is a of roll of recent incidents that offers a conspectus of some of the major human […]

Sanctions, Embargos and Human Rights: British Chapter resolution

18 December 2012 Preamble “Sanctions and embargos directly affect Religious Freedom and other human rights.  In December we learned that the United States’ economic blockade against Cuba has forced the postponement of the 6th General Assembly of the Latin American Council of Churches (CLAI), scheduled for 19 to 24 February 2013 in Havana, Cuba.  (as […]

Peace Commission statement on Syria

Statement on Syria 09 September 2012 The Peace Commission of the International Association for Religious Freedom has noted with great concern that in the pursuit of geostrategic policies, ill-considered military and material support of ‘popular’ revolutions with poorly-defined aims and structures has led to situations where human rights have been systematically abused, religious freedom has been […]

Fideology, Trust and Oneness

  A talk given by Rev. Dr. Richard Boeke at the “Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative” (GCGI) 10th Annual International Conference, “Sharing the Wisdom, Shaping the Dream: Reclaiming the Moral & Spiritual Roots of Economics & Capitalism”, Waterperry House, Oxford, September 2-5, 2012…   Fideology, Trust and Oneness (PDF, 7 pages)      

Bektashi Order of Macedonia welcomed into membership

The IARF has recently welcomed the Bektashi Order of Macedonia as a new member group. It is a branch  of the Bektashi Order of Dervishes which has members in 31 countries, with headquarters originally in Turkey, now established in Albania. It is Alevite in character. The order has its origin in the teachings and life […]

RFYN statement to UN’s International Year of Youth

“The role of youth in the progress of Afghanistan” Work by Afghan members of our youth network (‘RFYN’)  submitted for:    High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on Youth @ UN Headquarters, New York25-26 July 2011 RFYN contribution to UN High-Level Meeting (PDF, 3 pages) Illustrated article “The role of youth in the progress of Afghanistan” […]

March 2012 ToM: Religious violence in Nigeria

Some recent coverage of the rise of Boko Haram in northern Nigeria:   Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Lurid Picture of Nigeria’s Muslims in Newsweek (13 Feb 2012) Nigeria names former soldier as suspect in the Christmas Day church bombing (15 Feb 2012) Islamist sect has support in Nigerian government – president Plus: Written statement submitted by the Jubilee Campaign to […]

Thomas Mathew on Obama’s election

Dear Friends, Peace Greetings. At last, the whole world has become testimony to change – a change extremely radical and noteworthy.The world received the news that Mr. Barack Obama had been elected as the President of USA with aweand appreciation. The Oval house door is now open for the first Afro-American President in the historyof […]

January 2012 ToM: Resolution 16/18

  Resolution 16/18,  a measure adopted “by consensus” – without a vote – at the U.N. Human Rights Council – was introduced by Pakistan on behalf of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), a coalition of 57 Muslim states. Formally entitled “combating intolerance, negative stereotyping and stigmatization of, and discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against […]