President Ince’s New Year’s Message

On behalf of the International Council of the IARF, I send our best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all our member organisations, chapter members, supporters, and followers throughout the world.

We wish to pay tribute to all those who have worked tirelessly for the IARF in 2022, a year that was very difficult for many and in which we lost a number of good friends. We look forward to 2023 with renewed hope that our work will bring comfort and relief to those in need.

We are particularly looking forward to the Congress this year, which will be held in Cluj Napoca, Transylvania, Romania on September 4-6, and we are grateful to the Hungarian Unitarian Church for hosting this event. There will also be a pre-congress tour around Romania on the three preceding days for those who wish to see more of this beautiful country.

If you do not feel able to travel to the Congress, please do not worry because many of the events will be broadcast via Zoom and you will be able to participate from any time zone. We hope that more people than ever before will be able to join in the activities, discussions, and celebrations.

Please put this date in your diary!

Wishing you and your families the very best of health.

Please stay safe.

Robert Ince

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