The International Association for Religious Freedom

Members Directory

Members Directory

  • Profile picture of George-Williams
  • Profile picture of Lukasz (Luke) Liniewicz
    Lukasz Liniewicz is the Executive Secretary at the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF). Born in Poland, he now lives in the Netherlands and is a member of the Dutch Chapter and the Europe and Middle East region. He has a background in international law and philosophy, and is also a translator. Lukasz is involved in all aspects of IARF's work and can be contacted at
    IARF Chapter:
    Dutch Chapter
  • Profile picture of Rev Michael Turner
    Elder Turner's commitment to service extends beyond the walls of All Gods children Pentecostal Ministry He has been involved in various local and international mission efforts, partnering with organizations to provide humanitarian aid, spiritual support, and educational resources to those in need. His heart for ministry work reflects his desire to see the love of Christ reach every corner of the globe. Also is a current member of the Poor People's Campaign A NATIONAL CALL for MORAL REVIVAL Delaware State
    United States
    IARF Chapter:
    I'm not a member, only a registered Congress participant
  • Profile picture of Jarek Kubacki
    Jarek Kubacki, theologian, pastor, volunteer, publicist. Born in Poland, I have lived in the Netherlands for more than 25 years. Minister of the United Mennonite Congregation in Beverwijk near Amsterdam and in the liberal community of faith Vrijzinnigen Nederland, a remote member of the Unitarian Congregation in Cork (which is why I chose as an affiliation the Non-subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland, which may seem strange to someone, but the Cork congregation belongs to this very denomination) . In love with Ukraine, where I spend every free moment.
    IARF Chapter:
    Dutch Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland
  • Profile picture of Zsolt Elekes
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Hungarian Unitarian Church
  • Profile picture of Morgana Sythove
    Morgana is Anglo/Dutch and lives in the Netherlands. She is a practising pagan and is a Wiccan Priestess. As International Coordinator for PFI/Pagan Federation International, she travels extensively giving talks and workshops about Wicca and Paganism. She is also a board member of URI Netherlands and a URI Global Trustee Multiregion. She represented PFI & URI at the Parliament of the World’s Religions/ PWR in 2004/ Barcelona, 2015/ Salt Lake City, 2018 Toronto, Virtual 2021 Her passion is to protect and defend ‘the Living Environment’ in all its diversity and manifestations. She is still very much the activist – the Eco-warrior but also the peace-builder – as People of the Earth, she believes that we have so much to offer – to support each other, to offer spiritual resilience when necessary and to speak up for all those living beings who have no voice. Unity in Community!
    IARF Chapter:
    Dutch Chapter
  • Profile picture of Pascal Schilling
    He has been working for the Free Religious Congregation in Offenbach am Main, near Frankfurt, Germany since 2014. He studied Linguistics, Psychology, Cultural Studies and History and focused on religious content in these disciplines. In 2016 he was elected minister of his congregation in Offenbach and strengthened his connections with the IARF by visiting the World Congress 2014 in Birmingham. In 2018 he became the chair of the IARF group for Europe and the Middle East and the vice chair of the German Chapter of IARF. His congregation is rooted in a tradition of working with and for the IARF because the Rev. Diether Gehrmann, who was reverend in Offenbach from 1958 till 1967, and after that was a Unitarian minister in the USA, was the first full time General Secretary of the IARF and served the Association from 1972-1990.
    IARF Chapter:
    German Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Bund Freireligiöser Gemeinden Deutschlands
  • Profile picture of Yolanda Palacios Stefan
    Ich bin in der katholische Kirche aufgewachsen, mittlerweile bin ich Mitglieder einer Freikirche in Worms und bin durch mein Partner, Bjarne Dimmler, der Mitglied der Unitarier ist, auf die IARF gestoßen. Ich möchte mich für freie Religion einsetzen.
    IARF Chapter:
    German Chapter
  • Profile picture of Heidi vom Hagen
    Member of Unitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft freien Glaubens with protestant roots. I am self-employed and work as a teacher in adult education for German and English.
    IARF Chapter:
    German Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Unitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft Freien Glaubens
  • Profile picture of Betsy Darr
    I am a retired UU religious educator, a mother of three and grandmother of three. Strong interests include Climate Action (XR) and choral singing.
    United States
    IARF Chapter:
    US Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Unitarian Universalist Association
  • Profile picture of Service Account
    Hi! I'm a service account and I'm here to help with troubleshooting and let people temporarily log in and use the community platform.
    The Internet
    IARF Chapter:
    I'm not a member, only a registered Congress participant
  • Profile picture of George M Williams
    George M. Williams earned his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa in 1972, specializing in religions in modern India. For 35 years he was a professor of Eastern Religions at California State University, Department of Religious Studies.
His major interest for the past two decades has been in religions that liberate and in liberal religion.  This interest has been furthered in the IARF and has led to two honorary doctorates: in 1994 from Starr King School for the Ministry and in 1996 from the United Protestant Theological School of Kolozsvár (Cluj), Romania. The American Chapter of the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) awarded him its 1989 Distinguished Service Award for his contributions toward inter-religious cooperation and understanding. A specialist on Svâmî Vivekânanda and the Hindu Renaissance, Williams helped found the section on Hinduism in the American Academy of Religion, having served as projects director of its Electronic Publishing Committee. In both 1997 and 1998 Williams held the Shree Muherjee Chair at National Institute of Advanced Studies at Bangalore, India. He worked on projects involving preservation through digital archiving of ancient sacred texts. He held workshops for archivists and librarians from all over India on digital archiving, chief among them the works of Raja Rammohan Roy, founder of the Brahmo Samaj.
 Williams has worked for nearly three decades on understanding liberal Buddhist and Shinto groups in Japan, producing a film on "The Bodhisattva Way of Peace: Lay Buddhism in Japan," a video on “Shinichiro Imaoka: Emerson of Japan," as well as a video series on Shinto practices and rituals. He was part of the editorial team that published the English version of Rev. Dr. Yukitaka Yamamoto’s book, Kami no Michi (Way of the Kami) in 1987.  Williams was a regular presenter at several IARF congresses. He has also been active in Collegium as the chair of its history section. Williams has given guest lectures at a number of universities and seminaries in the U.S. (including Harvard), in Canada (including McGill University, Montreal, as a Distinguished Scholar), India, Japan, Hungary and Romania, as well as at the Vedanta Society in Chicago in 1988. In 1992 with his wife (Dr. Judit Gellerd as translator) he taught model courses at two major universities in Hungary, which were considered the first academic study of religion in post-communist Eastern Europe. Since retirement in 2003 Williams taught Asian religions twice for Semester at Sea. He published the Handbook of Hindu Mythology, “Cosmic Sage: Shinichiro Imaoka, Emerson of Japan” and a monograph on Shinto. Since 2009 Williams has worked with a Hawaiian faith, Kanenuiakea, helping its representatives to become a member group of IARF. 
    IARF Chapter:
    US Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
  • Profile picture of Peter le Poole
    Retired foreign service officer, worked over 40 years at Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and embassies. Member of (Dutch Chapter of) IARF since 2014.
    IARF Chapter:
    Dutch Chapter
  • Profile picture of John L Young
    Graduate of Meadville-Lombard Seminary 1971 Senior Minister at: Bloomington, IN UU; Paramus, NJ UU; Sacramento, CA UU; Jacksonville, FL UU (Emeritus) Retired since 2009 Active in social justice efforts in San Francisco, Ca, with the UU Society of San Francisco between 2010 - 2022 Member of UU Church of Marin, San Rafael, Ca since 2023 Active US Chapter IARF since 1972 President US Chapter IARF since 2022 Council member IARF since 2022
    IARF Chapter:
    US Chapter
  • Profile picture of Wytske Dijkstra
    Wytske Dijkstra (1956), Dutch, resides in The Netherlands. Joined the Remonstrant [Liberal Reformed] Fellowship in 1980, the Doopsgezinden (Dutch Mennonites) in 20018. In 2000 she succesfully completed the theological course of the Institute for Liberal Religious Pastoral Studies in Bilthoven with a thesis entitled “Beyond Boundaries” on the use and practice of international interfaith encounters and partnerships. Recently [2017] she has completed a course on Mennonite Theology. She currrently serves Remontrant, Reformed, Liberal, Mennonite, and independent congregations, preaching as a minister at large. Active for IARF since 1998, she initially served the Dutch Chapter and was the chair of the IARF European and Middle Eastern [IARF EME] regional council 2006-2016. As such, she led four regional conferences [Belfast, UK ‘06; Mannheim/Ludwigshafen, Germany ‘07; Elspeet, Netherlands, ’12; Tetovo, Macedonia, ‘16] and strengthened its organizational framework. She served IARF as an IARF International Council member from 2010-2018. She was IARF President 2014-2018. At present, she is a member of the Dutch Chapter board.
    De Bilt
    IARF Chapter:
    Dutch Chapter
  • Profile picture of Britto Arul
    IARF Chapter:
    India Chapter
  • Profile picture of Gudrun Hahn
    I was born into my Unitarian Congregation in Frankfurt, Germany. During my youth I was a member of the Youth Organization "International Religious Fellowship". Since 2020 I am the head of the German Chapter and work together with the European wide active people (EME). I have been at several IARF congresses and conferences. I also visit the IALRW events. (International Association of Liberal Religious Women).
    IARF Chapter:
    German Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Unitarische Freie Religionsgemeinde Frankfurt
  • Profile picture of Said-Touhami
  • Profile picture of John Gubbings
    I am a retired US Navy officer and Lockheed Martin Systems Test Manager with a Bachelor's degree with Economics major from Columbia College of Columbia University and a Master's Degree in Public Administration (systems analysis and Management Information Systems) from The American University. I am a Unitarian Universalist acitive in social justice organizations, particularly UUS for Social Justice, and The Poor People's Campaign, a National Call for Moral Revival. Treasurer and Board member of IARF US Chapter. Supporter of proposed UUA Bylaws change making its purpose transforming the world through liberating love.
    United States
    IARF Chapter:
    US Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Unitarian Universalist Association
  • Profile picture of Janhvi Gupte
    Vice President, International Council Member, RFYN representative to the council (2014-18, 2018-23)
    IARF Chapter:
    India Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
  • Profile picture of Dorothee Gehrmann
    I'm Dorothee (Dorle) Gehrmann from Stuttgart. My connection with IARF began in 1952 when I joined the Free-religious youth group, and it's been a love story ever since. My husband, Diether Gehrmann, served as the IARF general secretary, and together, we've dedicated over 50 years to liberal religion, raising our four sons along the way. This journey has been my family's venture and my lifelong passion. I'm looking forward to connecting with you all!
    IARF Chapter:
    German Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Bund Freireligiöser Gemeinden Deutschlands
  • Profile picture of Tara Gregers
    Live in Frederiksberg (Copenhagen area). Unitarian, ovo-vegetarian. As comittee member in the Danish Unitarian Church I handle our international affairs. Part-time bookkeeper/accountant.
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Unitarian Church Denmark
  • Profile picture of Lucie Meijer
    Studied Pedagogy at University of Utrecht. Was President of the International Religious Fellowship (IRF, youth organisaiton affiliated to IARF) 1973-1975. Worked for the Liberal Centre for Social Concerns (serving IARF member groups) in Utrecht 1974-1979. Was staff member at the IARF head office secretariat in Frankfurt 1979-1992. Was staff member at the head office of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) in Amsterdam 1992-2020. Now retired. Currently Treasurer of the IARF Europe/Middle East Region (EME) and Secretary/Treasurer of the Dutch Chapter of IARF.
    IARF Chapter:
    Dutch Chapter
  • Profile picture of Emőd FARKAS
    I was born in Kolozsvár (Cluj Napoca) in 1968. I graduated from the Báthory István High School in 1986, and completed my university studies at the Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Informatics. My mother tongue is Hungarian, and I speak English and Romanian at a high level, Finnish and French at a basic level. Since the beginning of June 2001 I have been working as an office manager at the Sapientia Foundation. My main responsibilities include managing the office of the Foundation, which administers the budgetary support of a Hungarian language private university network, organising the meetings of the Board of Trustees and supervising the practical implementation of the decisions of the Board. Previously, between 1999 and 2001, I worked as a democracy expert at the American Embassy in Cluj-Napoca. From 1994 to 1999, I was responsible for the Soros Foundation's civil society and interethnic programmes and served as the director of its specialised library. In addition to my full-time job, I also work as an English-Hungarian-Romanian translator and (simultaneous) interpreter, but I have also been a teacher of IT at the Unitarian College and an English language teacher at the Heltai Gáspár Foundation Language School. Since 2006 I have been a member of the Unitarian Church Consistory, since 2004 of the General Assembly and since 2008 of the Synod. I have been involved in several church committees. For more than 20 years, from 1990 to the early 2010s, I was actively involved in partner church programs with the Unitarian Universalist Association of America. I got married in 1996, my wife Judit Kiss is a journalist (Krónika daily), editor-in-chief (Hungarian Public Education). Our children, Anna Ágnes and Janka Ilona, were students at the János Zsigmond Unitarian College, and are now university students. On December 5, 2014, in Odorheiu Secuiesc, the General Council of the Hungarian Unitarian Church elected me as Lay President. Since then, I have chaired the meetings of the General Assembly, the Consistory and the Synod as Senior Lay President, and I consider this the greatest honour of my life.
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Hungarian Unitarian Church
  • Profile picture of Musu-No-Gekko
  • Profile picture of Nagy-Norbert
  • Profile picture of Derek McAuley
    Former Chief Officer of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian churches in the United Kingdom. Vice President of the International Council of Unitarians and Univeralists 2018 to 2022. Trustee of the Inter Faith Network of the UK 2013 - 2014. Chair of the Hibbert Trust.
    United Kingdom
    IARF Chapter:
    British Chapter
  • Profile picture of KatsuyaMitsuguchi
  • Profile picture of Shunkichi-Inokuma
    IARF Chapter:
    Japan Chapter
  • Profile picture of Lawrence Adera
    I am 50 years old, ordained minister, ministry administrator since 2006, Administrator at Kenya Union of Journalists, Administrative Secretary of International Fellowship of Covenant Churches for East and Central Africa, Coach and trainer of talent and career development for youths, director of Family Resource Center, Secretary of IARF Kenya Chapter, lead coach for Stage One in Action in Kenya, The president of Cestoball Kenya Federation.
    IARF Chapter:
    Kenya Chapter
  • Profile picture of Bjarne Dimmler
    I'm 24 years old and was born into a Unitarian family. From early I was active in our rural community of Rhineland-Palatin. Since 2015 I attended to the board of it and since November 2020 I am the 2nd leader, treasurer of it. I've got the life and the youth lead. I was recommended to come to the IARF Congress in Kolosvar and am thankful for my first contact with it. Next to that I'm studying Global Trade Management at the University of Applied Sciences of Worms. My favourite hobby is football and my club is the 1. FC Kaiserslautern. My languages are German, English and Spanish so I would like to stay in contact and in exchange with the people after the conference. It would help all of us in the future.
    IARF Chapter:
    German Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Unitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft Freien Glaubens
  • Profile picture of Stephen (道説) Schwichow
    Member: First UU Society-San Francisco, President: Nichiren Shu Shingan Temple, Vegetarian, LGBTQ+ Activist, Liberal Progressive, Esperanto speaker.
    United States
    IARF Chapter:
    US Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Unitarian Universalist Association
  • Profile picture of Yushiho Jennifer Oshima
    I graduated from Tsurumi University in 2024.
    IARF Chapter:
    Japan Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Rissho Kosei-kai
  • Profile picture of Esther Suter
    Rev. Dr. Suter is an ordained minister in the Swiss Reformed Church, with a diverse background spanning various roles and engagements. She has served as a pastor, university hospital chaplain, and volunteer pastor in a disadvantaged area of Manhattan, New York. Her passion for ecumenism and interfaith dialogue led her to focus on Peace and Reconciliation, particularly through her involvement in partnership programs between the Federation of Swiss Reformed Churches and Presbyterian Churches in South Korea. Throughout her career, Rev. Dr. Suter has embarked on significant journeys to Latin America and Africa, undertaking projects such as establishing a shelter for street children in Santiago de Chile during a military dictatorship. She has also been an active participant in various United Nations World Conferences of Women and served as a delegate for the World Council of Churches. Her commitment to women's rights and human rights has led her to engage with organizations like the International Association of Liberal Religious Women and the International Association for Religious Freedom, where she serves as an NGO representative at the United Nations. In 2018, Rev. Dr. Suter co-founded Swiss Interfaith Women, a member of the International Association of Liberal Religious Women. Under her leadership, they organized an interfaith and intercultural Youth Camp focused on religion, art, and peace for young women. Additionally, she has made notable contributions during the COVID-19 lockdown by promoting her Doctoral Thesis in Systematic Theology on Fritz Buri's existential understanding. Rev. Dr. Suter's diverse interests encompass women's rights, feminist theology, ecumenism, interreligious dialogue, nuclear disarmament, peace advocacy, language proficiency (German, French, English, Spanish, Latin, Hebrew, Greek, Chinese), and Chinese medicine.
    IARF Member Organisation:
    International Association of Liberal Religious Women
  • Profile picture of Kyoko Hirota
    IARF Chapter:
    No, I'm a member of a Member Organisation
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Rissho Kosei-kai
  • Profile picture of Krisztina Sándor
  • Profile picture of Matthias Pilger-Strohl
    Matthias Pilger-Strohl (MPS) is lifetime member of the free-religious congregation of Offenbach, Germany, having learned under Rev. Helmut Manteuffel. He studied Protestant theology, sociology, paedagogics an comparative religion in Frankfurt and Marburg and holds a Master degree in comparative religion as well as a diploma degree in paedagogics. He was active member in his congregation since he was 14 and later served for 6 months as Minister in the Free Religious Congregation of the Pfalz. He finished his professional career as minister working for the former Free Religious Congregation of Hessen in 1998. After this he was acitve as social worker, mainly working in different roles in family cases. A special focus he layed on the work with and for foster children. He also serves as funural speaker. In 1977, he joined the International Religious Fellowship (IRF) and though got involved in IARF as well, attending congresses in Oxford and Holland, helping out in the office under Rev. Diether Gehrmann and Robert Trear, finally beeing in charge of the IARF young adult programm during the Bangalore congress in 1993.
    IARF Chapter:
    German Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Bund Freireligiöser Gemeinden Deutschlands
  • Profile picture of Aayush Soni
    Aayush hails from Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh(MP), India. He hold a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, India. He has ~ 2 years of corporate experience, currently works with Lowe’s India (a US based company) as an Associate Software Engineer. During Covid pandemic, Aayush has performed research and suggested multiple platforms & solutions for career of youth as well as educators to study/work with limited resources. For students that practiced coding but didn’t had any laptop to test, provided a solution that offered them to write & execute code in mobile. Has also contributed in motivating and directing youth for competitive exams and career guidance. Through creative presentations, attracted viewers to understand newer technologies and help them understand the benefits one can get. On his 22nd birthday, started a new initiative "G-VAN", focusing on Climate Change and Environmental sustainability. As his interest drives, volunteered in Medical camps, Cloth Distribution camp and many more
    IARF Chapter:
    India Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
  • Profile picture of Annette Percy
    Member of the British Chapter since 1966. Former Membership Secretary of the Chapter (32 years) British Unitarian with 60 years association with Unitarians in Central Europe, especially Czech Republic, Hungary and Transylvania. Member of Altrincham and Prague Unitarians.
    United Kingdom
    IARF Chapter:
    British Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
  • Profile picture of Bob Carroll
    I am a Modern Orthodox Rabbi, and former university chaplain. Also a former IT consultant and project manager for Fortune 500 companies. I have spent some years doing doctoral work in comparative mysticism which is what initially drew me to interfaith work. Military veteran. Currently serving as a Council Member of IARF and Board Chair of the Interfaith Encounter Association, based in Jerusalem.
    Israel and the USA
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Interfaith Encounter Association
  • Profile picture of Ruzbeh Vistasp Hodiwala
    Ruzbeh has been active in the field of Religious Harmony and Human Rights since 2013. He attended the 34th World Congress of the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) held in London in 2014 as a Zoroastrian representative and IV Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Kazakhstan in 2013, besides other national and international interfaith conferences. He has served as a a committee member of the International Association for Religious Freedom's - London Chapter and regularly represents the Zoroastrian community at various interfaith forums.
    United Kingdom
    IARF Chapter:
    British Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    World Zarathushti Cultural Foundation
  • Profile picture of Yayoi KImura
    a secretary at Ittoen office since 2009
    IARF Member Organisation:
  • Profile picture of Robert Ince
    Robert is a member Unitarian Church in the United Kingdom having served as its Treasurer for 2 years and as Convenor for 3 years until 2017. He still retains a number of significant roles within the Unitarian movement as well as management roles in various other organisations. He trained as a design engineer and spent a working career in petrochemicals and banking. He spent over 15 years living and working abroad, generally in the Middle East, but travelling extensively all over the world. He continues to travel extensively and even find moments to spend more time with his 4 children.
    IARF Chapter:
    British Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
  • Profile picture of Bert-Companjen
    IARF Chapter:
    Dutch Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
  • Profile picture of Max Wäldele
    IARF Chapter:
    German Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Bund Freireligiöser Gemeinden Deutschlands
  • Profile picture of Souru Tanino
    Soul (Soru) TANINO was born and raised in Ittoen, Kyoto in 1992. After graduating from Otani University, he served in the secretariat of the Religions for Peace Japan for three years, where he was involved in various issues (climate change, refugees, reconciliation education, disaster recovery, etc.) occurring in Japan and around the world on the basis of religious cooperation. He then worked for one year at Sunmesse Nichinan Corporation in Miyazaki Prefecture, a park which is themed on ”the place where forming connections with the life of being accepted by the Earth”, before returning to Ittoen in 2019. He is serving in the secretary's office at Ittoen HQ.
    IARF Member Organisation:
  • Profile picture of Martin
    I'm archaeologist, living in southwestern Germany with my family. I'm lay leader of Unitarians in Rheinland-Pfalz.
    IARF Chapter:
    German Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Unitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft Freien Glaubens
  • Profile picture of 佐藤さとみ
    IARF Chapter:
    Japan Chapter
  • Profile picture of Etje Verhagen
    IARF Chapter:
    Dutch Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
  • Profile picture of Chihiro
    RK External Relations Group
    IARF Chapter:
    No, I'm a member of a Member Organisation
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Rissho Kosei-kai
  • Profile picture of Kyoko Hirota
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Rissho Kosei-kai
  • Profile picture of Surendra-Brown
    IARF Chapter:
    India Chapter
  • Profile picture of Kazuhiro Kato
    IARF Chapter:
    Japan Chapter
  • Profile picture of Kazuichi Ichikawa
    日本チャプター事務局次長 Deputy Secretary General of the Japan Chapter
    IARF Chapter:
    Japan Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Rissho Kosei-kai
  • Profile picture of Wolfgang Jantz
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Unitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft Freien Glaubens
  • Profile picture of Rev. Yukinobu Sahara
    Yukinobu Sahara was born in 1968 in Tokyo, Japan. He began serving for Rissho Kosei-kai as a staff member in 1993. He served as an area staff in Hokkaido from 1999, then ordained as the Minister of Muroran Dharma Center in 2010. He was assigned to the Federation of New Religious Organizations of Japan in 2016 and was appointed as the Secretary General next year. Since December 2021, he has been serving as Deputy Director of the External Relations Group, General Affairs Department of Rissho Kosei-kai.
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Rissho Kosei-kai
  • Profile picture of Lawrence Adera
    I am 50 years old, ordained minister, ministry administrator since 2006, Administrator at Kenya Union of Journalists, Administrative Secretary of International Fellowship of Covenant Churches for East and Central Africa, Coach and trainer of talent and career development for youths, director of Family Resource Center, Secretary of IARF Kenya Chapter
    IARF Chapter:
    Kenya Chapter
  • Profile picture of Lajos Lorinczi
    Unitarian Minister Director af Public Affairs, Hungarian Unitarian Church
  • Profile picture of Bjarne-D.
    IARF Chapter:
    German Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Unitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft Freien Glaubens
  • Profile picture of Johannes Spindler
    Hello there 🙂
    IARF Chapter:
    German Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Unitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft Freien Glaubens
  • Profile picture of Sandor-Simo
  • Profile picture of Sandor Szilard
    Actually I am Unitarian minister in Szekelykal, Iszlo, Kisillye and Jara. Before I served Unitarian Churches as we go back in times 🙂 - Jobbagyfalva-Nyaradszereda, Szentharomsag-Kisadorján, Pipe-Szásznádas and I used to be intern minister at Eliot Unitaran Universalist Church in MI, before some years of 2000 🙂 . I participated on IARF conference in Budapest. ( For those who may be interested I am sharing the title of my dr dissertation . " Possible interpretations of the concept of patience and its manifestations in pastoral care ) I do voluntary pastoral care on Association Vis Vitalis.
    IARF Chapter:
    I'm not a member, only a registered Congress participant
  • Profile picture of Mauk-van-Heemstra
  • Profile picture of Marie Louise Dutilh
    Remonstrant minister in Unitarian church of Wassenaar, NL.
    IARF Chapter:
    Dutch Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
  • Profile picture of Kees de Haas
    IARF Chapter:
    Dutch Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Association of Liberal Protestants (VVP)
  • Profile picture of Kurt-Bangert
  • Profile picture of Annette-Percy
  • Profile picture of Junko Oishi
    A staff member of the External Relations Group, Rissho Kosei-kai. I have experience welcoming hundreds of participants from around the world to the Tokyo Congress in 1984. I also have attended several Congresses in Hamburg 1990, Kochi, Birmingham, and Whashington DC.
    IARF Chapter:
    Japan Chapter
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Rissho Kosei-kai
  • Profile picture of Ilona Szent Ivanyi
    Unitarian minister Budapest, Hungary
    IARF Member Organisation:
    Hungarian Unitarian Church
  • Profile picture of Abier-Abd-Al-Daim
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