The Meeting
The next meeting in the second series of our Motivational Dialogues will be held on Sunday the 28th of March at 5pm CEST on Zoom (see below for different time zones). You can watch recordings of previous meetings here.
Ruzbeh Hodiwala, member of the Zoroastrian Cultural Foundation, a member organisation of the IARF, will speak on “Peaceful coexistence in Zoroastrianism: From Environment to Humanity”.
The format is simple – a speaker talks for 10 to 20 minutes, and a conversation follows. These are open meetings and everyone is welcome to participate, ask questions and speak their mind.
The time of the meeting for different time zones:
The speaker

Ruzbeh Hodiwala is pursuing his doctoral studies in History and Religions with a focus on Iranian and Zoroastrian Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. He completed his Bachelor’s in Economics from St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad – India in 2015 and his Master’s in Iranian Studies from SOAS in 2017. On the interfaith front, Ruzbeh has worked with Dr. Homi B. Dhalla of the World Zarathushti Cultural Foundation (WZCF) in Bombay. He attended IV Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Kazakhstan in 2012 and a follow-up round table hosted by the Kazakhstan Embassy in New Delhi along with other Zoroastrian representatives. He is a part of IARF’S Religious Freedom Young Adult Network since 2012 and attended the 34th IARF World Congress in Birmingham, UK in 2014 as a Zoroastrian youth delegate. In high school, he was a recipient of the AFS Intercultural Program’s Cultural Exchange Scholarship to Italy in 2010-11 where he lectured on Zoroastrianism and studied Catholicism at an Italian school in Corsico, Milan. He has volunteered with AFS India in various capacities from 2011-16 and worked as a Personal Assistant to the Member of Legislative Assembly in the state of Gujarat, India in 2018-19.