Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day in Tamil Nadu

Hiroshima & Nagasaki Memorial Day 2012 
IARF branches in Tamil Nadu state: Anna Nagar, Arumbakkam, Villivakkam and Arakonam
6th to 11th August

On 6th August, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Disaster Memorial Day was observed in the morning at Sri Venkateswara Engineering College, Thiruvallur, from 9.30 a.m.

About 700 students assembled in the meeting hall and the function commenced with all religious prayer by the students, followed by the lighting of candles programme was observed.
Then, the Principal delivered the welcome address and appreciated IARF’s efforts for the noble cause of world humanity.
Then, the Chairman Sri. Vasudevan delivered the presidential address about the threat of atomic weapons.
Then, I (V.Rengapashyam) delivered the special address about the IARF’s objects and activities, and shared my experience  on my recent visit to Hiroshima with the survivors of the Hiroshima victims of 6th August, 1945. I appealed to the younger generation, who are all future engineers in different branches of engineering, to work for a nuclear-free world and use atom in a constructive way, definitely not in a destructive way.
The college management assured me that they would observe the memorial day every year.

On that same day, afternoon 3 p.m., a similar programme was organised at Corporation High School, MMDA Colony, Arumbakkam. In both the programmes, Mr. Lakshmipathi Naidu, Mr. K. Raju, Mr. Raghavalu,  Mr. Rajendran, Prof. Sadasivam and Mr. Dhananjeyan of Arumbakkam Branch also participated.

On 11th August, Arakonam Branch observed Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day, the students going on a procession with our banner in Arakonam Town.

On 15th August, Independence Day was celebrated at Corporation Higher Secondary School, Subbraya Street, Shenoy Nagar, wherein Mr. Raghavalu, Mr. Rajendran, & Mr. Lakshmipathi Naidu participated.

Also on 15th August, Independence Day was celebrated in the presence of local personalities and Mr. Lakshmipathi Naidu.

Similar functions were organized at Pondicherry, Tindivanam and Coimbatore

 – V. Rengapashyam, Council member

 Related events took place this year in Chennai, Mysore and Bangalore.


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