Hiroshima Day 2012 remembrance event, Mysore


@ Sri Nalvadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar Auditorium, Senate Bhavan, Manasagangotri,  Mysore, India 
9 August 2012


Reports of the event in the national press:


Local press reports:

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See also the related event in Chennai



The following dignitaries were present in the programme:

  • Mr. Hiroo Iso, Japan
  • Swamy Muktidananda, President, Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, Mysore
  • Dr. Thomas Mathew – chairman, IARF, South Asia coordinating Council
  • Prof. V. G. Talawar, Vice-chancellor, University of Mysore
  • Prof. P. S. Naik, Registrar, University of Mysore
  • Prof. G. Venkatesh Kumar, Director UGC-Academic staff college, UoM.
  • Mrs. M.A. Hemalatha, IARF- National President
  • Mr. Mohammed Shabeer Ahmed, IARF- National Secretary
  • R. Vasudevamurthy, President, Mahajana Education Society
  • Professors, Readers, Lectures, Office Staff, Students of Post Graduates, of all the Departments of University of Mysore, were also present.

Also present were Delegates from Geetha Shikshana Samsthe, Mother Teresa Nursing College, Mysore, JSS Law College, Mysore, Ramakrishna Vidyalaya [ Ramakrishna Ashram], Mysore,. Ghyana Jyothi Association, Mysore.
In total an audience of more than 1,000 attended the programme.



Invocation [ Prayer] was done by Dr. Lakshmidevi and her associate.

Prof. P. S. Naik , Registrar , University of Mysore, welcomed the gathering and flowers bouquets were offered to all the dignitaries.

Prof. G. Venkatesh Kumar, Director, UGC- Academic Staff College- UoM, spoke on the importance of the programme.

Swamy Muktidanada inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp and offered floral tributes to the statue of Swami Vivekananda. All the dignitaries also paid tributes to lakhs of innocent people in the bombing of Hiroshima Nagasaki during 2nd World War.

Candles were lighted in memory of those who lost their lives and suffered due to Atomic Bomb attack.

Dr. Thomas Mathew introduced Mr. Iso Hiroo, a Japanese National who survived the atom bomb attack, and mentioned his travels in different parts of the world, and said now he has come to India on our invitation and participated in Peace programmes in Narendrapur West Bengal, in different parts of Kerala and in New Delhi, and now in Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day organized by University of Mysore, in Association with IARF-SACC. He further said that another such programme was also arranged for Chennai on 10th August 2011.

71 year-old Mr. Iso recalled he was about four years old when first bomb was drop on 7th August 1945.

(Since he was speaking in his mother tongue, his speech was translated into Kannada by Mrs. M. A. Hemalatha President IARF India Chapter for the benefit of the audience).

“That morning, my father was working in a factory. My mother later told me she was doing the laundry. I was in the hall taking dried bean out of the can for our meals. My brother was asleep”.

Mr. Iso said his mother was afflicted by cancer caused by radiation and suffered for 10 years before she passed away. “I am still suffering from the damage that radiation caused to my body which produces only half the normal amount of thyroid hormone. Even now, I must have a liver test every six months”.

Commenting on the present stockpile of nuclear arms in the world, he pointed out that there was enough nuclear material to destroy the world many times over.

Appealing for the elimination of all nuclear weapons, Hiroo said “ We, the atom bomb survivors, have launched a campaign called, “ Yes, abolition of nuclear weapons, throughout Japan from Aug. 2009 to Apr. 2010 and were able to win the approval from two-thirds of 1,750 local governments. US President Barack Obama is aiming at a world without nuclear weapons. We would like to keep trying hard to eliminate all nuclear weapons by 2020”.

Earlier, Sri. Ramakrishna Ashram President Swamy Muktidanandaji highlighted the significance of Swamy Vivekanananda’s thoughts and teaching. He recalled the monk’s famous address at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893, saying that “for whom the bell tolls today, this should be the death knell for all violence and conflict”.

“Unfortunately what we have seen is not only the devastating Hiroshima-Nagasaki atomic bombing but also the 9/11, and it is caused due to conflicts with each other”, he said.

In the presidential address Prof. V. G. Talawar Vice-Chancellor, University of Mysore, said that he was very happy when he heard the information from Prof. G. Venkatesh Kumar, Director, UGC-Academic Staff College, UoM., that IARF–South Asia Coordinating Council, and IARF India Chapter, is organizing Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day in association with University of Mysore, and he directed Prof. G. Venkatesh vKumar to go ahead in organizing the programme. He further said that Mrs. M. A. Hemalatha & Mr. Mohammed Shabeer Ahmed also approached me and assured them all possible help. I also advised them to arrange to meet Swamy Mukthidananda of Sri Ramakrishna Ashram, Mysore, that the vice- chancellor is also interested in celebrating 150th Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.  He said he is happy that both Hiroshima-Nagasaki Day and inauguration of 150th of Birth Anniversary of Swamy Vivekananada is organized today at Sri. Nalvadi Krishnaraja Wodeyar Auditorium, Senet Bhavan, Manasagangotri, Mysore.

We are proud to mention that most respected Prof. V. G. Talawar, Vice-Chancellor, University of Mysore, is a simple, sober, soft-spoken, dignified gentleman, and as promised by him he has provided all possible help, such as printing of Invitation, auditorium with all facilities, refreshment for students and all invitees, Guest House facilities to Japanese and Dr. Thomas Mathew [Two VIP Rooms & Two Executive Rooms], Breakfast Lunch & Dinner for all of us. He also facilitated Mr. Iso by offering Garland, Shawl, Fruit Bowl. IARF have not spent a single pie in organizing this programme.

IARF–South Asia Coordinating Council expressed their gratitude to our vice-chancellor for all his help.

We pray Almighty God for his good health, prosperity and long life. Further we wish to mention Prof. G. Venkatesh Kumar Director UGC- Academic Staff College- UoM for all his help from the day one till the programme is organized, he has put all his efforts for success of this programme. We express, our gratitude and thanks to him.

I express our thanks to Dr. Thomas Mathew Chairman, South Asia Coordinating Council , Mrs. M. A. Hemelatha, President, India Chapter, Mr. M.R. Preethan, [ IARF] Mr. M. A. Madhusudhan, [ IARF] Dr. Laakshmidevi [ IARF] Hemavathi [Ghyana Jyothi Association], and principles of Ramakrishna Vidyalaya, {RKM] Geetha Shikshna Samsthe, JSS Law College, Mr. Nagaraj, Head of the Department of Geography , Teaching and Non Teaching Staff of University of Mysore and students of Post Graduate Departments of UOM.

We express our thanks to all News Press personal & Media, for having widely publishing the news & telecasting the same in T.V. Channels namely ETV., Amougha T.V. , Chandana T.V., Kasturi T.V. After reading the newspapers and viewing the News in media, most of our friends and well-wishers called us over phone and congratulated us for organizing such a good programme. All this credit goes to Dr. Thomas Mathew of South Asia coordinating council. Prof. V.G. Talawar, vice-chancellor, University of Mysore, Prof. G. Venkatesh Kumar, Mrs. M. A. Hemalatha, office bearers and Executive Committee Members of IARF India Chapter. Office bearers and Executive Committee Members of IARF Mysore Branch, & Forum for Harmony & Peace Mysore.

We express special thanks to Mrs. M. A. Hemalatha, President IARF India Chapter for working hard and coordinating with University of Mysore, UGC Director, principals of above-mentioned college and association and also with the undersigned, for the success of this programme.

A Vote of Thanks was proposed by Mr. Mohammed Shabeer Ahmed, National Secretary, and he thanked all the dignitaries and audience including Press & Media persons, and during vote of thanks, Mementos was also offered to all the dignitaries on behalf of IARF.

                                               Mohammed Shabeer Ahmed, SACC National Secretary



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