Bahrain: government violations during Ashura season 2013
Press Conference on Religious Freedom Violations during Ashura (November 2013) The Department for Religious Freedom in the Bahrain Human Rights Observatory has expressed its strong condemnation of the escalation of the pace of systematic violations on religious freedom in Bahrain during Ashura (November 2013), and the increasing number of official violations carried out by government […]
HRET-RFYN KLE Law College, Chikodi, Belgaum
Human Rights Education workshop@KLE Law College, Chikodi, Belgaum District, Karnataka State, India22-23, October 2013 Facilitators: Mr. K. Ramachandran & Mr. Gautham Bharathi K. Report (PDF 5 pages, illustrated) Photos
First Pakistan HRE trainings
Human Rights Education training@Sargodha, Pakistan 27 – 28 September 2013 Participants: Muslim, Christian and Baha’i youth Photos (both days) ; 28th Human Rights Education training@Sādiqābād, Punjab, Pakistan 9 – 10 November 2013 Participants: Muslim and Christian Photos – 9th ; 10th On both occasions, the message was “Respect the Human, and Religion”. IARF’s India-produced training docu-dramas were screened, […]
HRE-RFYN Christuraja TTC
Human Rights Education training@Christuraja Teacher Training College, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu2–4 October 2013 Organiser: Rev. Bro. M.D. SebastianFacilitator: Bro. Albert Xaviour Report (PDF 6 pages illustrated)
Bangladesh attacks on Hindus condemned
“Dear Peace Loving People of the World, The Executive Communities of International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF), United Religions Initiative (URI) and Religions for Peace (RfP) Bangladesh in an emergency joint meeting condemned with the strongest possible language against the atrocities done towards the Hindu communities in the recent past particularly, on the 2nd November, 2013 […]
Bahrain Interfaith Centre, our newest associate
The IARF has recently (April 2013) welcomed the Bahrain Interfaith Centre as an associate member group. Contacts with this group have been established in 2012 through our representative with the UN ECOSOC in Geneva, Mr. Morse Flores. IARF welcomes groups that are multi-faith and that are working non-violently and peacefully to promote religious freedom. Groups […]
RFYN new News Bulletin
In August, IARF’s India-based young adult network RFYN launched a new headquarters outside Bangalore. See the reports here. The first edition of their newsletter was released as a follow-up: RFYN July-Sep 2014 News Bulletin (PDF 38 pages, illustrated)
HRE-RFYN Jain University students, Bangalore
Human Rights Education training@BIRDS, Bangalore11 & 12 Sep 2013 Organiser: Yashika KimFacilitator: Bro. Albert Xaviour Report (PDF 7 pages illustrated) Photos
HRET Indian Maritime University, Visakhapatnam
Human Rights Education training@INDIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY CAMPUS, Visakhapatnam14-15 September 2013 Facilitators: Prof. N. Prakasa Rao & Prof. E. P. S. Bhagyalakshmi Report (PDF, 5 pages illustrated) Photos
HRET Arulanandar College, Madurai
Human Rights Education training@Arulanandar College, Karumathur, Madurai, Tamilnadu26-27 July 2013 Facilitator: Dr. G. Rajaram Report (PDF 6 pages, illustrated) Photos