HRET at Sri Venkateshwara

@Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering & Technology (SVCET), Tiruvallur, Chennai:  Human Rights Education training 22-23 November 2012 Facilitator: Bro. Albert Xaviour This training event is among the first in a new initiative in the IARF HRE program, by the young adult network RFYN, to match IARF central funding with self-funding / local contributions. Its report below is […]

British Chapter meets Canterbury archbishop

Derek McAuley, Chief Officer of IARF member group the British Unitarian General Assembly, met the Archbishop of Canterbury at an Interfaith Reception at Lambeth Palace on Thursday 22 November 2012. The event was held to celebrate InterFaith Week, mark the 25th Anniversary of the UK’s InterFaith Network, and to recognise the Archbishop’s contribution to inter faith […]

Interfaith dialogue in Nepal Chapter

24 November 2012Kathmandu, Nepal   Report: Interfaith dialogue on Religious Tolerance & Citizen’s Responsibility (PDF, 10 pages illustrated) Photos    

Report on 14th India Chapter Conference

30-31 October 2012Sri Adichunchanagiri Mahasamsthana Mutt, Mandya District, Karnataka, India   Report on 14th India Chapter Conference  (PDF illustrated, 22 pages – 13mb)        

HRE workshop at Indian College of Education

20-21 October 2012Vellore, TamilNadu Facilitator: Mr. K. Ramachandran   Report_ HRE at Indian College of Education, Vellore (PDF illustrated, 5 pages) Photos    

HRE training at NBM Law College, Visakhapatnam

12 & 13 October 2012 Facilitators: Prof. N. Prakasa Rao and Ms. EPS  Bhagyalakshmi   Report of HRE held at NBM Law College, Vishakhapatnam        

British Unitarians raise concerns about growing threats to religious freedom with UK Government

 07 September 2012 IARF British Chapter board member Derek McAuley, Chief Office of our member group in Great Britain the GAUFCC (General Assembly of Unitarian & Free Christian Churches), has raised his concerns about the growing threats to religious freedom in many parts of the world with new government International Development junior minister, Lynne Featherstone MP.   […]

SACC-RFYN Conference, Mysore 2012

@Adhichunchanagiri Mutt, Mysore, Karnataka, India 30th – 31st Oct 2012 Organiser:  Prof. Anbumani Arumugam, International Young Adult President, IARF-RFYN.   Report (PDF, 11 pages illustrated) Photos    

HRE workshop in Orissa

Siddheswar College, Balasore, Odisha (Orissa), India6-7 October 2012      This kind of program actually brings us to a new horizon in life. As a member of minority community, it gives lot of ideas and inspiration to me.   Report (PDF, 5 pages illustrated) Photos            

RFYN International Youth Conference 2012

24 to 28 September 2012 @Nobili Pastoral Centre, Madurai, TamilNadu, India Organized in association with the Angelo Province of the Institute of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, India.  A historic gathering for IARF in being a first attempt to be self-funded (that is, funded entirely from local member group contributions). 21 different Sacred Heart bodies around […]