HRET Swarnachuda College, Nilgiri, Odisha
Human Rights Education training@Swarnachuda Degree College, Mitrapur, Nilgiri, Odisha27-28 April, 2013 Facilitator: Asit Kumar Basu Report (PDF 6 pages, illustrated) Photos
HRET Jan Sikshna Samsthan, Vizag
Human Rights Education training@Jan Sikshana Samsthan, Visakhapatnam-316-17 April 2013 Facilitators: Prof. N.Prakasarao & Prof. E. P. S. Bhagyalakshmi Report (PDF 5 pages, illustrated) Photos
Guidelines for arranging group visits to Houses of Worship
From Scarboro Missions, comprehensive guidelines for visiting houses of worship of various faiths, authored by renowned Canadian multifaith educator, JW Windland.
Human Rights Education training@District Institute of Education and Training (DIET), Mysore, Karnataka State14-15 March 2013 Facilitators: Adv. Md. Shabeer Ahmed & Adv. Mrs. M.A. Hemalatha Rao This training was held with International Women’s Day in mind, as well as the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. Report (PDF 6 pages, illustrated) Photos
RFYN meets UN official India visit
27 April 2013, Chennai Following the wave of concern over women’s issues in India since the New Delhi rape atrocity of December 2012, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in the United Nations arranged, under the ‘Special Procedures’ instrument for human rights issues, a country visit by the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, from April […]
HRET Deshbandhu Chittaranjan College, Burdwan
Human Rights Education workshop @Deshbandhu Chittaranjan College, Chittaranjan, Burdwan, West Bengal 9-10 March 2013 Facilitator: Asit Kumar Basu Report (PDF 6 pages, illustrated) Photos
Council meeting 2013
[nggallery id=31] REPORT: 2013 International Council meeting at the Konko Church of Izuo in Osaka, 17-19 April 2013 Preceded by the annual Executive meeting – hosted once more by our Osaka member group Shitennoji Temple – the two-day annual board meeting ended on Friday (19 April), in general agreement that this was the most positive so far during the […]
HRET St. Thomas College, Jaipur
@St. Thomas College, Phagi, Jaipur, Rajasthan19-20 February 2013 Facilitator: Adv. Mrs. Amal Rohilla Report (PDF 6 pages, illustrated) Photos
Principles and Guidelines for Interfaith Dialogue
Scarboro Missions is a Canadian Roman Catholic Mission Society whose interfaith work in Canada “is also a support and inspiration to interfaith activity in Scarboro Missions’ overseas missions. In Canada, we are likewise inspired and supported by Scarboro members working overseas in pluralist environments”. Principles and Guidelines for Interfaith Dialogue
TEDx ViadellaConciliazione
Does faith matter in the Technological, Entertained and Designed world? Can religion help to break down barriers and disunity among individuals and nations?