Derek McAuley meets David Cameron

News from UK member group   Shortly after attending our EME region’s 2012 conference (19-22 July) in the Netherlands, Derek McAuley – Chief Officer of IARF member group the GAUFCC (UK Unitarians) – had a chance to raise current LGBT issues with the British prime minister at a Downing St. reception on 24 July. More here… […]

SACC chairman attends Rio+20

  Dr. Thomas Mathew, Chairman of our South Asia regional body, represented IARF in the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), held in Rio de Janerio from June 20-22, 2012. IARF attended the original 1992 Rio conference, and this was an opportunity for him to represent IARF as one of several religion-based voices on Earth issues. […]

International RFYN Conference 2012, Madurai

Time Day One Day Two Day Three Day Four Day Five 7.00am Arrival & Registration Morning Prayer Meditation Yoga Morning Prayer 8.00am Breakfast   9.00am Inaugural Celebration Recalling Yesterday Activities 10.30am Introductory and Ice-breaking Sessions Session Four:- Leaders for the New Century for peace activities Visiting Various Interfaith Centers  Madurai, Rameswaram Session Nine:-  UN Human […]

Pakistan Chapter – Hiroshima & Nagasaki Peace Exhibition 2012

For Hiroshima Day 2012 (6 August)Sargodha, Pakistan As a contribution to awareness-raising on nuclear issues in the 2012 approach to the annual international remembrance day for the atomic holocaust, our Pakistan chapter launched an awareness-raising exhibition in its home city of Sargodha, titled ‘Never again Hiroshima, Nagasaki never again‘. Guests at the opening, which took place […]

Rakhi festival at Tirunelveli branch

  IARF Tirunelveli Branch (Tamilnadu) and Brahma Kumari Raja Yoga center jointly celebrated the Rakhi Festival on 7 August 2012    

British Chapter AGM: talks

2012 Annual General Meeting of the IARF British Chapter19 May 2012, Unitarian Church Croydon, London “Challenges to Civil & Religious Liberty Today” (350th Anniversary of the Great Ejection of 1662) Rev. Andrew Hill spoke on The Great Ejection in 1662, of two thousand Puritan clergymen from Church of England, which eventually led to the foundation of […]

Pakistan Chapter: Interfaith in Youth IARF Cricket Gala 2012

Interfaith Cricket MatchEid-Ghah grounds, Sargodha8 June 2012 This was a floodlit night match with young Muslim, Baha’i and Christians participants, reported in the Daily Aftab and its Sunday magazine. As a boundary wall, banners were hung that carried texts about peace and harmony between religions. Please see photos here (link to Picasa) Interfaith in Youth is a program […]


IARF (Foundation) Day, May 25th 2012 @Angelo ITI, Hindupur (Andhra Pradesh, India) The program was organised by RFYN-Hindupur, with Mr. Mohanlal and Br. M.Sengole invited as guests along with students from Angelo ITI & nearby schools.      The students performed many cultural programs, and Br. Albert Xaviour presented a PowerPoint about the history of IARF & its activities in […]

Training on UN Human Rights mechanisms

First IARF Annual Training on UN Human Rights mechanisms Geneva, 26th-27th May 2012 Facilitators: Mandat International (the UN welcome centre in Geneva); the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies. More than 30 participants from 10 countries were involved in the course. Under the guidance of Morse C. Flores, IARF’s main representative at UN, and Ursula […]

IARF-SACC interfaith activities 2011-12

  Please download this presentation on the non-project activities in our South Asia region from 2011 to date (May 2012).   IARF-SACC interfaith activities 2011-12 (presentation, .ppsx format)