Ethics, Ecology & the Interdependent Web

  19 February 2011 – A  conference in Croydon, England, sponsored by the International Association for Religious Freedom and the World Congress of Faiths, and inspired by Datuk Leslie Davidson, who received the 2008 Meredeka Award for his service to the people of Malaysia. Davidson may have done as much to feed the world as any other human being […]

“Michael Servetus: 500 years”

On 15 January 2011 the UK Chapter celebrated Servetus’s 500th birth anniversary.. “Michael Servetus: 500 years” at Rosslyn Hill Chapel, Hampstead, London Jeff Teagle lighting the chalice Order of service

‘Journey to Compassion’ retreat

The ‘Journey to Compassion’ retreat (with World Congress of Faiths) took place on 8 – 10 March 2011 at the Brahma Kumaris Global Retreat Centre. 36 joined our IARF/WCF retreat near Oxford. The speaker was Camilla Carr, who spoke on forgiveness. Her book, THE SKY IS ALWAYS THERE, tells the story of her 14 months […]

AGM 2011, UK Chapter

Annual General Meeting 12 May Thursday 2011 Dr Williams Library, 14 Gordon Square, London Rev. Christopher Hudson of Belfast gave an inspired & well-illustrated talk on “Reconciliation & Hope” He is joining our British IARF Committee.

Interfaith Events in India (May & July 2011)

IARF Council member Dr. Homi Dhalla reports on three interfaith events in India On May 28, 2011, Dr. Dhalla was invited by the Jain Spiritual leader Acharya Mahashraman to Udaipur. The occasion was an interfaith conference where the representatives of the various religions were invited to speak on “The Role of Religious Leaders in the […]

German Unitarians’ Religious Fellowship General Meeting, 2011

German Unitarians’ Religious Fellowship General Meeting, KasselPentecost 2011   The German Unitarians held their biennial General Meeting in Kassel over the longPentecost weekend, on the subject of “Seeking the Future? Welcome to the New Land” Please refer to the report by Rev John Clifford.  

33rd World Congress Video Report

Video report from Congress

Caussanel Inter-religious Students movement, 2010-2011

  Caussanel Inter Religious Students Movement was started at  Thirunelveli, in Tamil Nadu  State,  India, with the motto of Universal Brotherhood… Report (PDF, illustrated, 5 pages) Visit Flickr page for inter-religious students’ program held on 13th Nov 2010.    

India Chapter 13th national conference, 2009

  20-21 December 2009Jagadguru Sri Veerasimhasana Mahasamasthana Math, Suttur Sri Kshetra, Mysore District (Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Shivaratri Deshikendrsa Mahaswamigalu provided free accommodation & their international Conference venue on both days to all 350 delegates). Report (PDF, 7 pages) Program (PDF, 5 pages) [nggallery id=16]


EME (Europe & Middle East Region) Conference, Mannheim22-25 October 2009 Religious Freedom:  A Call To Action   Report EME Conference Mannheim 2009 (PDF, 1 page)