Winner of the Dana McLean Greeley Award for young adult interfaith work

After carefully considering the 12 applications we received this year, each well-prepared and outlining a valuable project we would love to support, the Greeley Award Committee, tasked with this difficult duty, decided to award the project submitted by The Sanctuaries: Interfaith Arts Education. This is how The Sanctuaries elaborate on their mission to ignite the […]
Statement by IARF Kenya Chapter concerning current events in the country

Our Kenya Chapter has released the following statement regarding the troubling events taking place in the country. We join them in prayers and hope for a peaceful conduct of elections and national reconciliation later on. You can read more about the situation in Kenya here. 1st August 2017 The International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) […]
2017 International Council Meeting

The International Council* of the IARF had its annual meeting on 19-20 April in IJmuiden, the Netherlands. It was an occasion to share experiences, concerns, ideas and moments of meditation, and savour the atmosphere of diversity, friendship and cooperation that characterizes IARF. This time several people joined the session by teleconference to make the meeting […]
IALRW Interfaith Seminar in Malaysia

The International Association of Liberal Religious Women, a branch of the IARF and one of the oldest interfaith women’s organizations in the world (founded in 1910), co-organized an interfaith seminar in Malaysia on 7-8 February. The seminar brought together women from Malaysia, Yemen, Myanmar, Cashmere, Sri Lanka, Japan and Europe, and included two public sessions: “Plight […]
IARF President’s New Year message for 2017

Dear Friends in IARF, Peace among religions and freedom of conscience for all, that is our common goal in IARF. Last year, my message was about the scope of our work to promote freedom for each individual to practice, teach, and be educated in the religion of his or her choice. Moving on to a […]
Persecution of Unitarians in Burundi

The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists, many of whose member churches are also members of the IARF – has reported on November 19 that Rev. Fulgence Ndagijimana, pastor of the Unitarian Church of Burundi, was arrested from the church at gunpoint, taken into police custody and interrogated severely, regarding the activities of his church …. was threatened with physical harm […]
President’s New Year message 2015
Dear friends in IARF, The IARF World Congress 2014 in Birmingham, United Kingdom, has marked the end of a transition period in which IARF came to grips with the fact that it is currently an organisation run almost entirely by volunteers. We are fortunate to have retained financial support from many of our member groups, […]
Bahrain: government violations during Ashura season 2013
Press Conference on Religious Freedom Violations during Ashura (November 2013) The Department for Religious Freedom in the Bahrain Human Rights Observatory has expressed its strong condemnation of the escalation of the pace of systematic violations on religious freedom in Bahrain during Ashura (November 2013), and the increasing number of official violations carried out by government […]
Bahrain Interfaith Centre, our newest associate
The IARF has recently (April 2013) welcomed the Bahrain Interfaith Centre as an associate member group. Contacts with this group have been established in 2012 through our representative with the UN ECOSOC in Geneva, Mr. Morse Flores. IARF welcomes groups that are multi-faith and that are working non-violently and peacefully to promote religious freedom. Groups […]
In the Name of the Lord: Understanding Blasphemy Laws
Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra serves as an Imam and Scholar of Muslim theology, and appears regularly in print and on television. In this piece, written for the Spring 2013 edition of Inter-Faith Matters, newsletter of the Edinburgh Inter Faith Association, Shaykh Mogra discusses Blasphemy Laws, a divisive topic that has seen recent protest in Edinburgh. A number of countries […]