Display Name Profile Image Last Login CountryBio (required) IARF ChapterIARF Member OrganisationFunction in IARF and/or Chapter/Region, if applicable
Yushiho Jennifer Oshima Profile Image 2024-11-15 13:14:02 JapanI graduated from Tsurumi University in 2024.Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kaiYouth group reader
Yoshiyuki Kikuchi Profile Image Never Japanworking adultJapan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
Abhay-Soni Profile Image Never
Abhi-Janamanchi Profile Image Never
Abier-Abd-Al-Daim Profile Image Never
Arman G. Pedro Profile Image Never PhilippinesI am the Church Administrator of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Philippines, Inc. (UUCP) since 2016 up to the present. I was ordained to the UU Ministry in 2019 after I graduated with Master of Arts in Religion in Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago, Illinois, USA in 2017. Aside from being the Chief Financial Officer of UUCP I also wrote several project proposal for the church and conducted trainings & workshops for various district and congregational leaders in UUCP in relation to finance and administration. Prior to my election as the Church Administrator in the national office of UUCP I was a Lay Leader in a small UU Congregation in my hometown since 2003. I finished Bachelor of Science in Accountancy in my college and worked for multinational company before I discover Unitarian Universalism. I was also elected as Council member in my home village from 2007-2018 and had spent time working with the marginalized sector.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterUnitarian Universalist Church PhilippinesN/A
Akeno Mitsuguchi Profile Image Never JapanI’m a housewife. I’m a member of RKK.Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Alicia-Forde Profile Image Never
Andrew James Brown Profile Image 2025-01-30 16:24:46 United KingdomMy name is Andrew James Brown. I’m a philosophically/theologically inclined writer with sympathies towards Imaoka Shin’ichirō's understanding of a creative, inquiring, free and liberative religion/spirituality (jiyū shūkyō 自由宗教), Jōdo Shinshū Buddhism, Konkokyo, Christian non-theism, D. G. Leahy’s “thinking now occurring for the first time”, a Lucretian inspired religious naturalism, new materialism and Kyoto School philosophy; also a photographer, cyclist, walker and jazz bass player. In addition to this, I’m the minister of a small, liberal, free religious community in Cambridge (UK), Cambridge Unitarians.British ChapterGeneral Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches
Anne-Greenwood Profile Image Never
Anne Greenwood Profile Image Never United StatesI am a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley in Kensington CA, USA. I have been involved with IARF since I attended the 1984 Congress in Tokyo Japan.US ChapterUnitarian Universalist AssociationCA
Annemarie-Gerretsen Profile Image Never
Annette Percy Profile Image Never United KingdomMember of the British Chapter since 1966. Former Membership Secretary of the Chapter (32 years) British Unitarian with 60 years association with Unitarians in Central Europe, especially Czech Republic, Hungary and Transylvania. Member of Altrincham and Prague Unitarians.British ChapterGeneral Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian ChurchesMember
Annette-Percy Profile Image Never
ANuj-Raghuwanshi Profile Image Never
arul-prakasam Profile Image 2024-10-30 06:16:07
Barothi-Brigitta Profile Image Never
Bert-Companjen Profile Image Never Dutch ChapterRemonstrants
Betsy Darr Profile Image 2025-01-30 03:14:38 United StatesI am a retired UU religious educator, a mother of three and grandmother of three. Strong interests include Climate Action (XR) and choral singing.US ChapterUnitarian Universalist AssociationFormer council member; former chapter president
Ma. Elvira Sienes Profile Image Never PhilippinesI am Rev. Ma. Elvira P Sienes from Unitarian Universalist Church of the Philippines. Currently, I am the Director of the Department of Ministry and Faith Advocacy.
Bjarne-D. Profile Image 2025-01-20 10:47:47 German ChapterUnitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft Freien Glaubens
Bob Carroll Profile Image 2024-11-14 19:22:23 Israel and the USAI am a Modern Orthodox Rabbi, and former university chaplain. Also a former IT consultant and project manager for Fortune 500 companies. I have spent some years doing doctoral work in comparative mysticism which is what initially drew me to interfaith work. Military veteran. Currently serving as a Council Member of IARF and Board Chair of the Interfaith Encounter Association, based in Jerusalem.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterInterfaith Encounter AssociationI am currently the Board Chair and co-chair several of our interfaith encounter groups. Also serve as an IARF Council member.
Andreas Bolhàr-Nordenkampf Profile Image Never AustriaI will gladly share my bio with anyone asking about itI'm not a member, only a registered Congress participantI'm not a member, only a registered Congress participantFormer spiritual leader UUF Austria
Brigitta-Barothi Profile Image Never
Britto Arul Profile Image Never IndiaIndia ChapterCaussanel Interreligious Students’ MovementSecretary, IARF India Chapter
C-A-Hayhurst Profile Image Never
Chihiro Profile Image 2025-02-06 05:29:53 JapanRK External Relations GroupNo, I'm a member of a Member OrganisationRissho Kosei-kaiRK
Chikage Omoto Profile Image Never 日本IARF日本チャプター広島地区代表Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
中川知代 Profile Image Never 日本IARF日本チャプター広島地区会員です。(令和3年より)RKK会員です。趣味は三味線とヨガです。Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai主任 支部教務員
Chizuko Sugiyama Profile Image Never JapanI’m housewife who like to cook.Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
cka Profile Image Never
Thomas Coleman IV Profile Image Never United States of AmericaN/aI'm not a member, only a registered Congress participantI'm not a member, only a registered Congress participantN/a
Daijiro Ai Profile Image Never Japana director of Ittoen museum "Kosoin".I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterIttoen
眞野かをり Profile Image Never 日本日本I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation島根県
Manish Daniel Profile Image Never IndiaImmanuel hails from Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh(MP), India. He holds degree in Master’s in Business Administration in faculty of marketing and finance from IIPM, Delhi, India. To has ~10 years corporate experience, he presently works with HCL Technologies as cluster head for talent sourcing department. He received his formal orientation with IARF-RFYN during the International Summit held in 2012 at Maduria, Tamil Nadu, India. He strongly believes IARF has given him a new aura of plethora to work upon. He felt that the program at Madurai profoundly demonstrated means and ways to protect fundamental human rights and inspired him act towards community welfare. He then decided to cascade the knowledge to the rural areas of MP. He has bagged many human rights education training program, interfaith and community welfare programs under the banner of IARF. His zealous attitude towards society welfare has been recognized by government of MP and Human Rights Commission of MP. He has earned the Greeley Award in 2014 by IARF for introducing Human Rights awareness for the people “Patalkot” which is located to the most remote location with no roads and transport facility. He acted as a defender and help provide Govt. identifications proofs to the tribal of Patalkot. He organized “On the Spot Solution” program in which the government officials participated and provided the solutions to tribal for the basic recognition as resident of India and availing basic needs as water and electricity. He was given golden opportunity to participate in 34th and 35th World Congress and he looks forward to meet like minded people from various countries, exchange thoughts and build a strong network in 36th Word Congress which in turn help him to do better planning for his upcoming Human Rights and Interfaith activities in his region.India ChapterRFYNMember - RFYN India
Derek McAuley Profile Image 2025-01-29 08:00:37 United KingdomFormer Chief Officer of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian churches in the United Kingdom. Vice President of the International Council of Unitarians and Univeralists 2018 to 2022. Trustee of the Inter Faith Network of the UK 2013 - 2014. Chair of the Hibbert Trust.British ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationChair of British Chapter
Wilko vom Hagen Profile Image 2024-12-08 16:06:47 DeutschlandI'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterUnitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft Freien Glaubens
DOAK M MANSFIELD Profile Image Never United StatesOrdained 1976 by Heritage UU Church - Cincinnati, OH M.Div. 1976 United Theological Seminary - Dayton, OH D.Min. 1996 Graduate Theological Foundation - Sarasota, FL Halftime Minister ~ UU Fellowship of Sussex County - Newton, NJI'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationNJ
Dorothee Gehrmann Profile Image 2025-01-30 09:34:04 GermanyI'm Dorothee (Dorle) Gehrmann from Stuttgart. My connection with IARF began in 1952 when I joined the Free-religious youth group, and it's been a love story ever since. My husband, Diether Gehrmann, served as the IARF general secretary, and together, we've dedicated over 50 years to liberal religion, raising our four sons along the way. This journey has been my family's venture and my lifelong passion. I'm looking forward to connecting with you all!German ChapterBund Freireligiöser Gemeinden DeutschlandsChapter member Germany
sachiko oshima Profile Image Never JapanWorking AdultJapan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
蛯子直美 Profile Image Never 日本メンバー二年目Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Eiko Suzuki Profile Image Never JapanI am a housewife. I am a member of RKK.Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Zsolt Elekes Profile Image Never RomániaNo, I'm a member of a Member OrganisationHungarian Unitarian ChurchRomania
Emőd FARKAS Profile Image Never RomániaI was born in Kolozsvár (Cluj Napoca) in 1968. I graduated from the Báthory István High School in 1986, and completed my university studies at the Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Informatics. My mother tongue is Hungarian, and I speak English and Romanian at a high level, Finnish and French at a basic level. Since the beginning of June 2001 I have been working as an office manager at the Sapientia Foundation. My main responsibilities include managing the office of the Foundation, which administers the budgetary support of a Hungarian language private university network, organising the meetings of the Board of Trustees and supervising the practical implementation of the decisions of the Board. Previously, between 1999 and 2001, I worked as a democracy expert at the American Embassy in Cluj-Napoca. From 1994 to 1999, I was responsible for the Soros Foundation's civil society and interethnic programmes and served as the director of its specialised library. In addition to my full-time job, I also work as an English-Hungarian-Romanian translator and (simultaneous) interpreter, but I have also been a teacher of IT at the Unitarian College and an English language teacher at the Heltai Gáspár Foundation Language School. Since 2006 I have been a member of the Unitarian Church Consistory, since 2004 of the General Assembly and since 2008 of the Synod. I have been involved in several church committees. For more than 20 years, from 1990 to the early 2010s, I was actively involved in partner church programs with the Unitarian Universalist Association of America. I got married in 1996, my wife Judit Kiss is a journalist (Krónika daily), editor-in-chief (Hungarian Public Education). Our children, Anna Ágnes and Janka Ilona, were students at the János Zsigmond Unitarian College, and are now university students. On December 5, 2014, in Odorheiu Secuiesc, the General Council of the Hungarian Unitarian Church elected me as Lay President. Since then, I have chaired the meetings of the General Assembly, the Consistory and the Synod as Senior Lay President, and I consider this the greatest honour of my life.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterHungarian Unitarian ChurchLay President, Hungarian Unitarian Church
Felipe-Ribeiro Profile Image Never
Francisco-Javier-Lagunes-Gaitan Profile Image Never
Friederike-Rica-Kaufel Profile Image Never
FUMIKO BABA Profile Image Never JAPAN佼成会会員Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
George M Williams Profile Image 2025-01-30 03:25:15 USAGeorge M. Williams is a retired historian of religions, having spent a lifetime studying religions that liberate. He has written and made videos about the Hindu Renaissance, religion in modern Japan, and religion in Hawaii.US ChapterKanenuiakeaPresident
Lecretia J Williams Profile Image Never United StatesAn aspirant seminarian in the Unitarian Universalist tradition, interested in ethics, worship, research, chaplanicy, movement work, and public facing aspects of relgious professionals.I'm not a member, only a registered Congress participantI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationNY
Gregory-Stevens Profile Image Never
John Gubbings Profile Image 2025-01-27 01:43:17 United StatesI am a retired US Navy officer and Lockheed Martin Systems Test Manager with a Bachelor's degree with Economics major from Columbia College of Columbia University and a Master's Degree in Public Administration (systems analysis and Management Information Systems) from The American University. I am a Unitarian Universalist acitive in social justice organizations, particularly UUS for Social Justice, and The Poor People's Campaign, a National Call for Moral Revival. Treasurer and Board member of IARF US Chapter. Supporter of proposed UUA Bylaws change making its purpose transforming the world through liberating love.US ChapterUnitarian Universalist AssociationBoard member and Treasurer, US Chapter
Gudrun Hahn Profile Image 2025-01-30 09:38:27 DeutschlandI was born into my Unitarian Congregation in Frankfurt, Germany. During my youth I was a member of the Youth Organization "International Religious Fellowship". Since 2020 I am the head of the German Chapter and work together with the European wide active people (EME). I have been at several IARF congresses and conferences. I also visit the IALRW events. (International Association of Liberal Religious Women).German ChapterUnitarische Freie Religionsgemeinde FrankfurtHead of the German Chapter (DMI)
Janhvi Gupte Profile Image Never IndiaVice President, International Council Member, RFYN representative to the council (2014-18, 2018-23)India ChapterRFYNVice President - RFYN India
G Harrison Kingsley Profile Image Never IndiaIC member and minister Unitarian Christian Church, chennai-7,IndiaIndia ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationGeneral Secretary of India Chapter
CHIKARA HATTORI Profile Image Never JapanI am a member of RKK.Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Heidi vom Hagen Profile Image Never
Heidi vom Hagen Profile Image 2025-01-24 16:10:23 GermanyMember of Unitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft freien Glaubens with protestant roots. I am self-employed and work as a teacher in adult education for German and English.German ChapterUnitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft Freien Glaubensdelegate for foreign affairs for Unitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft freien Glaubens
hinakoomura Profile Image Never 日本matsuekyoukaiJapan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation鳥取県
鈴木弘子 Profile Image Never 日本看護師Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
山本浩子 Profile Image Never 日本rkk松江Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
itaru kondo Profile Image Never 日本会社員I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation日本支部
Kazuichi Ichikawa Profile Image Never Japan日本チャプター事務局Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Ilona Szent Ivanyi Profile Image 2024-11-15 21:05:48 HungaryUnitarian minister Budapest, HungaryI'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterHungarian Unitarian ChurchBudapest
Ilona-Popa Profile Image Never
Istvan-Kovacs Profile Image Never
itaru-kondo Profile Image Never Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
日本チャプター委員 Profile Image Never 日本教会長Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai日本チャプター委員
狐鼻利智子 Profile Image Never 日本釜石教会前総務部長Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation日本支部
Shashvat Jain Profile Image Never IndiaShashvat Jain, hailing from Chhindwara, a recent graduate of H.R. College of Commerce and Economics in Mumbai, holds a Bachelor's degree in Commerce (B.Com) and aspires to pursue a career in finance. Alongside his academic pursuits, He actively participates in social initiatives, including blood donation camps and planting 1000 trees to promote environmental sustainability. He generously donates clothes and essential items to underprivileged individuals, and has also contributed to a fundraising campaign for a disabled child's medical needs. Furthermore, he was a part of fruit distribution drive at a local hospital during Mahavir Jayanti, spreading joy and providing nourishment to patients. His commitment to social welfare reflects his compassion and responsible citizenship.India ChapterRFYNMember - RFYN India
James Williams Profile Image Never IndiaWas part of IARF-India (Chennai) since 1988 when we hosted IARF National Conference. Was Vice-President WCRP, Chennai and part of URI too. Currently serving on the council of World Federalist Movement. Since 2000, was serving in conflict and post-conflict countries (Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and South Sudan), India as Country Director of Oxfam, Action Aid, Lutheran World Relief, Johanniter, Kindernothilfe, Mennonites, INTERSOS amongst others. Through these organizations was able to address religiously motivated violence and provide relief and development to the survivors. Currently working as Country Director- Sri Lanka for Asian Youth Centre promoting mangroves in coastal areas.India ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Jarken Profile Image Never IndiaReligious philosophy, World politics, Inclusive governance and Narrative building.
Jarek Kubacki Profile Image 2025-01-08 16:30:19 NederlandJarek Kubacki, theologian, pastor, volunteer, publicist. Born in Poland, I have lived in the Netherlands for more than 25 years. Minister of the United Mennonite Congregation in Beverwijk near Amsterdam and in the liberal community of faith Vrijzinnigen Nederland, a remote member of the Unitarian Congregation in Cork (which is why I chose as an affiliation the Non-subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland, which may seem strange to someone, but the Cork congregation belongs to this very denomination) . In love with Ukraine, where I spend every free moment.Dutch ChapterNon-Subscribing Presbyterian Church of Ireland
JeKaren-Olaoya Profile Image Never I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterI'm not a member, only a registered Congress participant
JEREMIAS,JR. B. BACALING Profile Image Never PhilippinesJeremias B. Bacaling Jr. UUCP ministerI'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationUUCP
Mr. Junichi Morikawa Profile Image Never JapanA Councilor of Rissho Kosei-kaiJapan ChapterRissho Kosei-kaiRepresentative of Tokyo Area
John Nicholas ("Nick") Schweitzer Profile Image Never United StatesNick Schweitzer is past president and current vice-president of the FCSC, founded in 1852 by immigrants from what is now Germany, and which is the last German Freethought (Freie Gemeinde) congregation in the U.S.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterFree Congregation of Sauk CountyMember organization representative
Johannes Spindler Profile Image Never GermanyHello there 🙂German ChapterUnitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft Freien Glaubens
John L Young Profile Image 2024-10-14 23:30:14 USAGraduate of Meadville-Lombard Seminary 1971 Senior Minister at: Bloomington, IN UU; Paramus, NJ UU; Sacramento, CA UU; Jacksonville, FL UU (Emeritus) Retired since 2009 Active in social justice efforts in San Francisco, Ca, with the UU Society of San Francisco between 2010 - 2022 Member of UU Church of Marin, San Rafael, Ca since 2023 Active US Chapter IARF since 1972 President US Chapter IARF since 2022 Council member IARF since 2022US ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationIARF-US Chapter President, IARF Council member
Julie Steinbach Profile Image Never USAUS ChapterUnitarian Universalist Association
Junko Oishi Profile Image 2024-11-15 01:36:50 JapanA staff member of the External Relations Group, Rissho Kosei-kai. I have experience welcoming hundreds of participants from around the world to the Tokyo Congress in 1984. I also have attended several Congresses in Hamburg 1990, Kochi, Birmingham, and Whashington DC.Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
Jay Atkinson Profile Image Never USAThe Rev'd Dr Jay Atkinson retired in 2011 from 32 years of full-time service in Unitarian Universalist parish ministry, most recently twelve years in Studio City (Los Angeles) and, before that, thirteen years in Davis, Calif. During those ministries he also served at various times on the adjunct faculties of our UU seminaries in Chicago (Meadville Lombard Theological School) and Berkeley (Starr King School for the Ministry). Before turning to professional ministry, he did research in nuclear physics for eleven years. Currently he is a Research Scholar at Starr King with a focus on UU history and sometimes a bit of theology.US ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Keiko Mizusaka Profile Image Never 日本IARF日本委員会 広島地区副代表Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
Karen Kortsch Profile Image Never USABoard president of the International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist WomenUS ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Karsten-Urban Profile Image Never
KatsuyaMitsuguchi Profile Image Never
Kazuichi Ichikawa Profile Image Never Japan日本チャプター事務局次長 Deputy Secretary General of the Japan ChapterJapan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
Kazuhiro Kato Profile Image 2024-09-20 23:51:00 JapanIARF日本チャプター委員Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Kazuo Ryuuge Profile Image Never JapanI am a member of RKK.Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Kazuyoshi SATO Profile Image Never JAPANChancellor of Otani Gakuen Univ. (Rev.)I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterKonko Church of Izuo
Kees de Haas Profile Image 2024-11-15 13:03:29 NLacbDutch ChapterAssociation of Liberal Protestants (VVP)
Kimi Takaya Profile Image Never JapanI am a volunteer for Ittoen. I'm interested in IARF.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterIttoen
kimie kitamura Profile Image Never 日本警察少年補導員 地域の青少年育成活動委員 カウンセラーJapan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
KIMIHIKO Profile Image Never Japansemiconductor engineer Member of Rissho Koseikai IARF Japan Tama area memberJapan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationIARF Japan
Székely Kinga Réka Profile Image 2024-11-23 09:34:19 RomaniaI was born in 1972. I attended school in my native village, later in Kolozsvar/Cluj. After the fall of the dictator I was admitted to Seminary, and graduated in 1995. Since that time I have been serving in the village-congregation of Homorodszentpeter. I'm a mother of 4 kids. First time I attended an IARF event was in 1997, Hilversum, NL.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterHungarian Unitarian ChurchCouncil member
森絹代 Profile Image Never 日本一般会員Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai中京
Kinuyo Saito Profile Image Never 日本A staff of Rissho Kosei-kai.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
Kirsten-Hunter Profile Image Never
今野喜代美 Profile Image Never 日本IARFJapan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
KOZUE MUROIWA Profile Image Never 日本IARF日本チャプター北海道地区所属 立正佼成会札幌北教会所属Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai01.北海道
Krisztina Sándor Profile Image Never RomániaI'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
kriya-sri Profile Image Never Japan ChapterIALRWChapter Secretary
Kathy Ramos Matsui Profile Image 2024-08-12 11:13:08 JapanPh.D., professor at the Department of Global Citizenship Studies, Seisen University (Tokyo, Japan), teaches courses on conflict resolution and peace related subjects. She works with peace researchers and educators internationally in International Institute on Peace Education and Global Partnership for Prevention of Armed Conflict. As a peace educator, she recently focuses her activities on Northeast Asia Regional Peacebuilding Institute (NARPI), held annually to train participants from Northeast Asia to facilitate peace education activities. She is also active in inter-religious dialogue and cooperation for world peace as a member of the Women's Executive Committee, Peace Research Institute and the Reconciliation Education Task Force of World Conference of Religions for Peace (WCRP). She is also IALRW Japan Chairperson and a member of IARF Japan Chapter.Japan ChapterIALRWJapan Chapter Steering Committee Member
Kunihiko terasawa Profile Image Never United StatesBorn in Japan. Now US citizen. I am an associate professor of religion/philosophy at Wartburg College, Iowa, US., teaching World Religions in Dialogue, Buddhism, Religions of China/Japan, and Islam and modern world. I have been involved in many interreligious dialogue and activities.US ChapterRissho Kosei-kaiIowa
Kunihiko Terasawa, PhD Profile Image 2025-02-01 16:58:41 United StatesHello! I was born in Japan and now a US citizen. I am an associate professor of religion at Wartburg College, Iowa, USA, teaching World Religions in Dialogue, Buddhism, Religions of China/Japan, and Islam and Modern World. I have been involved in many Interreligious Dialogue activities; such as an International Advisor of The Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies, as well as US chapter of IARF and a lot of conversations with IARF in Japan. I am a member of the ELCA (the Evangelical Lutheran Churches of America) and RKK (Rissho Kosei-kai).US ChapterRissho Kosei-kaiUS chapter
Kurt-Bangert Profile Image 2024-11-20 08:29:10
Kyoko Hirota Profile Image 2024-08-30 00:24:28 JapanI'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
Kyoko Hirota Profile Image 2025-01-29 04:05:27 JapanNo, I'm a member of a Member OrganisationRissho Kosei-kai
Lawrence Adera Profile Image 2024-11-14 18:55:31 KenyaI am 50 years old, ordained minister, ministry administrator since 2006, Administrator at Kenya Union of Journalists, Administrative Secretary of International Fellowship of Covenant Churches for East and Central Africa, Coach and trainer of talent and career development for youths, director of Family Resource Center, Secretary of IARF Kenya Chapter, lead coach for Stage One in Action in Kenya, The president of Cestoball Kenya Federation.Kenya ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationSecretary General
Lawrence Adera Profile Image Never KenyaI am 50 years old, ordained minister, ministry administrator since 2006, Administrator at Kenya Union of Journalists, Administrative Secretary of International Fellowship of Covenant Churches for East and Central Africa, Coach and trainer of talent and career development for youths, director of Family Resource Center, Secretary of IARF Kenya ChapterKenya ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationSecretary of the Kenya Chapter
Lajos Lorinczi Profile Image Never RomániaUnitarian Minister Director af Public Affairs, Hungarian Unitarian ChurchI'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Lucie Meijer Profile Image 2024-10-14 07:29:21 NetherlandsStudied Pedagogy at University of Utrecht. Was President of the International Religious Fellowship (IRF, youth organisaiton affiliated to IARF) 1973-1975. Worked for the Liberal Centre for Social Concerns (serving IARF member groups) in Utrecht 1974-1979. Was staff member at the IARF head office secretariat in Frankfurt 1979-1992. Was staff member at the head office of the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) in Amsterdam 1992-2020. Now retired. Currently Treasurer of the IARF Europe/Middle East Region (EME) and Secretary/Treasurer of the Dutch Chapter of IARF.Dutch ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationSecretary/Treasurer of Dutch chapter and EME
Lukasz (Luke) Liniewicz Profile Image 2025-02-03 19:28:43 The NetherlandsLukasz Liniewicz is the Executive Secretary at the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF). Born in Poland, he now lives in the Netherlands and is a member of the Dutch Chapter and the Europe and Middle East region. He has a background in international law and philosophy, and is also a translator. Lukasz is involved in all aspects of IARF's work and can be contacted at luke@iarf.net.Dutch ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationExecutive Secretary
Matthias Pilger-Strohl Profile Image 2024-08-17 00:06:12 GermanyMatthias Pilger-Strohl (MPS) is lifetime member of the free-religious congregation of Offenbach, Germany, having learned under Rev. Helmut Manteuffel. He studied Protestant theology, sociology, paedagogics an comparative religion in Frankfurt and Marburg and holds a Master degree in comparative religion as well as a diploma degree in paedagogics. He was active member in his congregation since he was 14 and later served for 6 months as Minister in the Free Religious Congregation of the Pfalz. He finished his professional career as minister working for the former Free Religious Congregation of Hessen in 1998. After this he was acitve as social worker, mainly working in different roles in family cases. A special focus he layed on the work with and for foster children. He also serves as funural speaker. In 1977, he joined the International Religious Fellowship (IRF) and though got involved in IARF as well, attending congresses in Oxford and Holland, helping out in the office under Rev. Diether Gehrmann and Robert Trear, finally beeing in charge of the IARF young adult programm during the Bangalore congress in 1993.German ChapterBund Freireligiöser Gemeinden Deutschlands
Marie Louise Dutilh Profile Image Never NetherlandsRemonstrant minister in Unitarian church of Wassenaar, NL.Dutch ChapterRemonstrantsFormer member of the board of the Dutch chapter
妹尾 万理子 Profile Image Never 日本松江I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Martin Profile Image Never GermanyI'm archaeologist, living in southwestern Germany with my family. I'm lay leader of Unitarians in Rheinland-Pfalz.German ChapterUnitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft Freien Glaubens
MASAKO HORIKOSHI Profile Image Never Japanthank youJapan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Mauk-van-Heemstra Profile Image Never
MAYUMI UESHIMA Profile Image Never 日本立正佼成会会員Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai埼玉県
Michiel Verhagen Profile Image Never Netherlandsretired MD, former technical supporter IARF congressesDutch ChapterRemonstrants
太田美千代 Profile Image Never 日本Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
祖田美和子 Profile Image Never 日本日本Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
Miki Katuki Profile Image Never JapanJapanJapan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Mio Katsuki Profile Image Never JapanMy name is Mio Katsuki. I am Junior at Seisen University, a Catholic women's university. My major is Global Citizenship Studies. I want to major to Religious Societies Studeis at graduate school. I think that religous literacy is low in Japan. I will work solve it.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterInternational Association of Liberal Religious WomenN/A
大貫美佐子 Profile Image Never 日本立正佼成会会員Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai埼玉支部
Katsuya Mitsuguchi Profile Image Never JapanRetired from job of MFG and Export and Import of goods Volunteer for the community Learning and practicing the life of BuddhismJapan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Miyu Yamazaki Profile Image Never JapanMy name is Miyu Yamazaki. I am a Senior at Seisen University, a Catholic women's university. My major is Global Citizenship Studies. As a global citizen, I think about local and global issues that I can solve. My research is on human and animal dignity.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterInternational Association of Liberal Religious WomenN/A
Mohammed-Nafeeq Profile Image 2024-10-29 04:11:53
Morgana Sythove Profile Image 2025-01-30 08:21:58 NetherlandsMorgana is Anglo/Dutch and lives in the Netherlands. She is a practising pagan and is a Wiccan Priestess. As International Coordinator for PFI/Pagan Federation International, she travels extensively giving talks and workshops about Wicca and Paganism. She is also a board member of URI Netherlands and a URI Global Trustee Multiregion. She represented PFI & URI at the Parliament of the World’s Religions/ PWR in 2004/ Barcelona, 2015/ Salt Lake City, 2018 Toronto, Virtual 2021 Her passion is to protect and defend ‘the Living Environment’ in all its diversity and manifestations. She is still very much the activist – the Eco-warrior but also the peace-builder – as People of the Earth, she believes that we have so much to offer – to support each other, to offer spiritual resilience when necessary and to speak up for all those living beings who have no voice. Unity in Community!Dutch ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
MUE-Sajtoiroda Profile Image Never
Muroiwa Profile Image Never Japan日本Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Musu-No-Gekko Profile Image Never
Toshifumi Takisawa Profile Image Never 日本Member of Mutsumi-kaiI'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Nagy-Gizella Profile Image Never
Nagy-Norbert Profile Image 2024-11-19 14:18:32
長谷川かずえ Profile Image Never 日本hokkaidoJapan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
Rácz Norbert Zsolt Profile Image Never RomaniaNorbert Zsolt RÁCZ is the minister of the Downtown Unitarian Congregation of Kolozsvár / Cluj-Napoca. Prior to this position he served as youth minister in his church.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterHungarian Unitarian ChurchUnitarian Minister
Hideyuki Inoue Profile Image Never Japan入会年:2017年Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Pascal Schilling Profile Image 2025-01-09 10:20:36 GermanyHe has been working for the Free Religious Congregation in Offenbach am Main, near Frankfurt, Germany since 2014. He studied Linguistics, Psychology, Cultural Studies and History and focused on religious content in these disciplines. In 2016 he was elected minister of his congregation in Offenbach and strengthened his connections with the IARF by visiting the World Congress 2014 in Birmingham. In 2018 he became the chair of the IARF group for Europe and the Middle East and the vice chair of the German Chapter of IARF. His congregation is rooted in a tradition of working with and for the IARF because the Rev. Diether Gehrmann, who was reverend in Offenbach from 1958 till 1967, and after that was a Unitarian minister in the USA, was the first full time General Secretary of the IARF and served the Association from 1972-1990.German ChapterBund Freireligiöser Gemeinden DeutschlandsChair of the EME (the Europe and Middle East Region)
Rev Dr At Ipenburg Profile Image 2024-11-02 21:29:36 The NetherlandsMinister Remonstrant Church Former Chair Dutch Chapter Former Lecturer at the Theological and Philosophical College of the Evangelical Christian Church in the Land of Papua (STFT-GKI-TP) I S Kijne , Abepura, Indonesia (GKI-TP) Minister (Pendeta) of the GKI-TPDutch ChapterRemonstrantsWebmaster Dutch Chapter
Peter le Poole Profile Image 2025-01-31 07:11:21 NederlandRetired foreign service officer, worked over 40 years at Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and embassies. Member of (Dutch Chapter of) IARF since 2014.Dutch ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Narava Prakasa Rao Profile Image Never IndiaProfessor emeritus from the Department of Commerce and Management at the Andhra University. Founder and President of the BV Foundation for Peace and Harmony located in Visakhaptnam, South India. Now in his sixties, he has been associated with IARF since 1983. Currently he holds the position of senior Vice-President of IARF’s India Chapter.India ChapterBala Vikasa Foundation
Esther Suter Profile Image 2024-11-19 14:30:56 SwitzerlandRev. Dr. Suter is an ordained minister in the Swiss Reformed Church, with a diverse background spanning various roles and engagements. She has served as a pastor, university hospital chaplain, and volunteer pastor in a disadvantaged area of Manhattan, New York. Her passion for ecumenism and interfaith dialogue led her to focus on Peace and Reconciliation, particularly through her involvement in partnership programs between the Federation of Swiss Reformed Churches and Presbyterian Churches in South Korea. Throughout her career, Rev. Dr. Suter has embarked on significant journeys to Latin America and Africa, undertaking projects such as establishing a shelter for street children in Santiago de Chile during a military dictatorship. She has also been an active participant in various United Nations World Conferences of Women and served as a delegate for the World Council of Churches. Her commitment to women's rights and human rights has led her to engage with organizations like the International Association of Liberal Religious Women and the International Association for Religious Freedom, where she serves as an NGO representative at the United Nations. In 2018, Rev. Dr. Suter co-founded Swiss Interfaith Women, a member of the International Association of Liberal Religious Women. Under her leadership, they organized an interfaith and intercultural Youth Camp focused on religion, art, and peace for young women. Additionally, she has made notable contributions during the COVID-19 lockdown by promoting her Doctoral Thesis in Systematic Theology on Fritz Buri's existential understanding. Rev. Dr. Suter's diverse interests encompass women's rights, feminist theology, ecumenism, interreligious dialogue, nuclear disarmament, peace advocacy, language proficiency (German, French, English, Spanish, Latin, Hebrew, Greek, Chinese), and Chinese medicine.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterInternational Association of Liberal Religious WomenIARF Council member for IALRW/Main Representative to UN-Geneva/Deputy president of IALRW
Torok Istvan Profile Image 2024-08-06 11:42:27 Románia-I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationBraşov
Revti-Choure Profile Image Never
Richard-Boeke Profile Image Never US ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Ritsuko Ushio Profile Image Never JapanI'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterKonko Church of IzuoOSAKA
利代子 西江 Profile Image Never 日本地域の老人をサポートしていますJapan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Robert Papini Profile Image Never EnglandRobert was editing the website up to 2015.No, I'm a member of a Member OrganisationI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationFormer Administrator
Robert Ince Profile Image 2024-10-09 13:26:55 EnglandRobert is a member Unitarian Church in the United Kingdom having served as its Treasurer for 2 years and as Convenor for 3 years until 2017. He still retains a number of significant roles within the Unitarian movement as well as management roles in various other organisations. He trained as a design engineer and spent a working career in petrochemicals and banking. He spent over 15 years living and working abroad, generally in the Middle East, but travelling extensively all over the world. He continues to travel extensively and even find moments to spend more time with his 4 children.British ChapterGeneral Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian ChurchesPresident
Rodger Mattlage Profile Image Never USAA member of First Parish UU in Concord, Massachusetts, partnered with the Hungarian Unitarian congregation in Székelykeresztúr, Transylvania, RomaniaI'm not a member, only a registered Congress participantI'm not a member, only a registered Congress participant
Rosemary-Bray-McNatt Profile Image Never
Ruzbeh Vistasp Hodiwala Profile Image Never United KingdomRuzbeh has been active in the field of Religious Harmony and Human Rights since 2013. He attended the 34th World Congress of the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) held in London in 2014 as a Zoroastrian representative and IV Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions in Kazakhstan in 2013, besides other national and international interfaith conferences. He has served as a a committee member of the International Association for Religious Freedom's - London Chapter and regularly represents the Zoroastrian community at various interfaith forums.British ChapterWorld Zarathushti Cultural FoundationCouncil Member
Said-Touhami Profile Image Never
Sandor-Simo Profile Image Never
Sarthak verma Profile Image Never IndiaIndia ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Biswajit Roy Profile Image Never IndiaAt present secretary of Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. Professionally into Management and Information Technology Consulting. Serving Sadharan Brahmo Samaj as a Social worker for more than 15 years. Also managing educational and social organizations of the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterSadharan Brahmo Samaj
Service Account Profile Image 2025-02-06 01:03:16 The InternetHi! I'm a service account and I'm here to help with troubleshooting and let people temporarily log in and use the community platform.I'm not a member, only a registered Congress participantI'm not a member, only a registered Congress participant
Kosuke Shiba Profile Image Never 日本Assistant high priest at Tsubaki Grand Shrine in JapanJapan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationSecretary General of Japan Chapter
早苗 清水 Profile Image Never 日本IARF多摩地区で会計担当 地域でお花を広めるサポートJapan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Sakshi Shrmaiya Profile Image Never IndiaSakshi hails from Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh, India. She hold a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication, Bhopal, India. She has 2 years of work experience in corporate, currently working with Koo - The Voice of India (India's first social media microblogging platform) as a Business Development Executive. During Covid pandemic, Sakshi has started learning about her religion. She discovered how youth can focus their minds through worshiping to bring patience in their lives and grow on their career. As a Student, Sakshi has also contributed in social work along with her studies. In which She was involved in social activities with Sony Computer Education such as Health camps, Plantation, Cloth distribution, Free career counseling and many more.India ChapterRFYNMember - RFYN India
Shunkichi-Inokuma Profile Image 2024-08-17 04:00:46 Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationAdvisor
中嶋靜子 Profile Image Never 日本カウンセラー 老人サポート 障害者カウンセラーJapan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationIarf多摩
Aayush Soni Profile Image 2024-12-20 16:05:11 IndiaAayush hails from Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh(MP), India. He hold a Bachelor degree in Computer Science from New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, India. He has ~ 2 years of corporate experience, currently works with Lowe’s India (a US based company) as an Associate Software Engineer. During Covid pandemic, Aayush has performed research and suggested multiple platforms & solutions for career of youth as well as educators to study/work with limited resources. For students that practiced coding but didn’t had any laptop to test, provided a solution that offered them to write & execute code in mobile. Has also contributed in motivating and directing youth for competitive exams and career guidance. Through creative presentations, attracted viewers to understand newer technologies and help them understand the benefits one can get. On his 22nd birthday, started a new initiative "G-VAN", focusing on Climate Change and Environmental sustainability. As his interest drives, volunteered in Medical camps, Cloth Distribution camp and many moreIndia ChapterRFYNMember - RFYN India
Sori-Jafari Profile Image Never
Souru Tanino Profile Image Never 日本Soul (Soru) TANINO was born and raised in Ittoen, Kyoto in 1992. After graduating from Otani University, he served in the secretariat of the Religions for Peace Japan for three years, where he was involved in various issues (climate change, refugees, reconciliation education, disaster recovery, etc.) occurring in Japan and around the world on the basis of religious cooperation. He then worked for one year at Sunmesse Nichinan Corporation in Miyazaki Prefecture, a park which is themed on ”the place where forming connections with the life of being accepted by the Earth”, before returning to Ittoen in 2019. He is serving in the secretary's office at Ittoen HQ.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterIttoen
Stephen (道説) Schwichow Profile Image 2024-12-16 22:55:52 United StatesMember: First UU Society-San Francisco, President: Nichiren Shu Shingan Temple, Vegetarian, LGBTQ+ Activist, Liberal Progressive, Esperanto speaker.US ChapterUnitarian Universalist AssociationCouncil Member
Stephen Polmar Ph.D., M.D. Profile Image 2025-01-07 04:04:04 United StatesStephen Polmar is a Unitarian and member of the North American Unitarian Association (NAUA). He currently serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of the NAUA . He is the NAUA Chairperson for the NAUA Academy as well as of the NAUA International Alliance. He has been a Unitarian since age 17. He spent the first part of his professional career in Academic Medicine as a Professor of Pediatrics and Immunology at universities in the United States. Thereafter he was Vice President of the Immunology Therapeutic Area for the German Pharmaceutical Company, Boehringer Ingelheim . After retirement, he has devoted the majority of his time to his life long interest in liberal religion primarily through his work with the North American Unitarian Association. He lives with his wife Suzanne, part of the year in the United States and part of the year at their home in Italy.
Tamura Sumiko Profile Image Never JapanIARF日本チャプター委員Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
澄子 並河 Profile Image Never 日本高齢者の健康体操のサポートと相談サポートをしていますJapan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Surendra-Brown Profile Image Never India ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisationcouncil member
Takashi Nishida / 西田多戈止 Profile Image Never JapanTakashi, or Takeshi, Nishida, born 1930, is the grandson of Rev. Tenko Nishida, the founder of Ittoen. After the founder’s death, he succeeded to the head of Ittoen and the executive president of Ittoen School in 1968. He served on the IARF Concil member from 2010 to 2014.He also has been a director of the Standing Committee of WCRP/Japan from 1989 to 2011. He is an adviser of the Association for Ophthalmic Cooperation in Asia (AOCA) after retiring honorary chairman. He also has assumed the post of a board of “Nippon Lighthouse” , the welfare centre for the blind. In 1996, He established the theme park “Sunmesse Nichinan” in Miyazaki Pref., and built there “the Bell of Thanksgiving for the Earth” through interfaith cooperation. Ittoen was awarded the Albert Schweitzer prize in 1993, at the 28th IARF World Congress at Bangalore in India. He was given the commendation by the Minister for Foreign Affairs for his effort in volunteer activities in Ophthalmic aid in Nepal in 1994.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterIttoen
Taka Profile Image Never 日本立正佼成会I'm not a member, only a registered Congress participantRissho Kosei-kai
Takahiro Miwa Profile Image Never JapanChief Priest of Hiyoshi Shinto ShrineJapan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationI was the supervisor of IARF from 2006~2010, and an exective of IARF from 2010~2014
玉川孝枝 Profile Image Never Japan日本Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
田中 静代 Profile Image Never 日本hokkaidoJapan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Tara Gregers Profile Image 2024-11-19 14:03:36 DenmarkLive in Frederiksberg (Copenhagen area). Unitarian, ovo-vegetarian. Am vice president in the Danish Unitarian Church I handle our international affairs. Part-time bookkeeper/accountant.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterUnitarian Church DenmarkCommittee member Danish Unitarian Church
佐藤さとみ Profile Image Never 日本5年前にIARFの会員になりました。Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
永瀬てる子 Profile Image Never 日本RKK松江Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
Thomas-Mathew Profile Image Never
Tina-Geels Profile Image Never Dutch ChapterRemonstrantschairwoman Dutch Chapter
Tanya Tiwari Profile Image Never IndiaTanya Tiwari is a dynamic and passionate individual dedicated to making a positive impact in her community and beyond. Tanya is from Chhindwara(M.P.), and Tanya's educational background includes a Bachelor's degree in Arts from Govt. Autonomous P. G. College Chhindwara. Currently Tanya is persuing a Master's degree in Political Science. With her studies she actively participates in other curricular activities. She actively seeks opportunities to apply her knowledge and skills by participating in community-driven initiatives, volunteering with local organizations, and engaging in awareness programs. During covid pandemic Tanya started learning about religion and she sought to understand how religion plays a role in providing solace, guidance, and support to individuals and communities during times of crisis as well as for uplifting the society. As a student Tanya has also contributed in social work along with her studies. She has done plantation, joined health campaigns, donate clothes and books to marginalized and vulnerables.India ChapterRFYNMember - RFYN India
Tomoko Ueda Profile Image Never JAPANChief Managing Director of NPO corporation The Hiroshima Religious Co-operation and Peace Center (HRCP)Japan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
toshihide yamamoto Profile Image Never 日本総務部・広報部I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterMutsumi-kai
toshihide yamamoto Profile Image Never 日本本部総務部・広報部I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterMutsumi-kai
toshiki murata Profile Image Never Japanthe principal of ittoen school.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterIttoen
鈴木俊夫 Profile Image Never 日本立正佼成会岡崎教会教会スタッフJapan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
Toshiyo Sugiyama Profile Image Never JapanI am a junior high school English teacher.Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Sandor Szilard Profile Image Never RomaniaActually I am Unitarian minister in Szekelykal, Iszlo, Kisillye and Jara. Before I served Unitarian Churches as we go back in times 🙂 - Jobbagyfalva-Nyaradszereda, Szentharomsag-Kisadorján, Pipe-Szásznádas and I used to be intern minister at Eliot Unitaran Universalist Church in MI, before some years of 2000 🙂 . I participated on IARF conference in Budapest. ( For those who may be interested I am sharing the title of my dr dissertation . " Possible interpretations of the concept of patience and its manifestations in pastoral care ) I do voluntary pastoral care on Association Vis Vitalis.I'm not a member, only a registered Congress participantI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
V.maharani-rani Profile Image 2024-10-27 14:06:06
Vaishali-Patel Profile Image Never
Etje Verhagen Profile Image 2024-11-20 02:41:41 NederlandAs representative of the council of the IRF I was a member of the IARF-council in the early eighties. Visited congresses in Montreal, Oxford, took part in the organisation of the congress in Noordwijkerhout and traveled to Japan two times: once with an IARF-group and once with a youth delegation. Having a busy family and job we disappeared from the IARF-scene, but now we are back and will try to catch up while the focus of the IARF is in our genes and too important to let go. Educated as health care psychologist I took studies to become chaplain in palliative care. In our country one can be 'chaplain' without being connected to a church. A very interesting positon for a liberal religious person who does not want to be connected to a church with all kind of dogma's. And wants to be able to seen as a person who offers help to anybody, being believer or not. Being remonstrant and member of Vrijzinnigen Nederland I wander around in more or less feeling christian or more general religious. Nowadays the representation of Vrijzinnigen Nederland in the Dutch Chapter is an interesting task to fulfill. My husband Michiel and I are eager to meet all our old friends and to make new connections!Dutch ChapterVrijzinnigen.nlrepresentative of Vrijzinnigen Nederland in Dutch Chapter
Vinita Paul Profile Image Never IndiaIndia ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationBangalore, India
Vrijzinnigen Nederland Profile Image Never NetherlandsWe are u liberal religious organization in the NetherlandsDutch ChapterVrijzinnigen.nl
Max Wäldele Profile Image Never Germany29.09.1987German ChapterBund Freireligiöser Gemeinden Deutschlands
yuko hasegawa Profile Image Never japanHokkaidoJapan ChapterRissho Kosei-kai
Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt Profile Image Never United StatesThe Rev. Rosemary Bray McNatt is President of Starr King School for the Ministry in Oakland, CA, one of two Unitarian Universalist seminaries in the United States.No, I'm a member of a Member OrganisationUnitarian Universalist AssociationCA
Wolfgang Jantz Profile Image 2024-11-15 07:05:04 GermanyI'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterUnitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft Freien GlaubensGerman chapter: About 30 years Chair/ now member.Activ in Europe./ Board /Member of the membergroup : URFG
WOLFGANG Profile Image 2025-01-30 08:50:31 Germanyborn 01.02.1944 Married Berufs : FernmeldemonteurGerman ChapterUnitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft Freien GlaubensUnitarier, Religionsgemeinschaft freien Glaubens Board Member
Wytske Dijkstra Profile Image 2024-08-06 19:59:53 De BiltWytske Dijkstra (1956), Dutch, resides in The Netherlands. Joined the Remonstrant [Liberal Reformed] Fellowship in 1980, the Doopsgezinden (Dutch Mennonites) in 20018. In 2000 she succesfully completed the theological course of the Institute for Liberal Religious Pastoral Studies in Bilthoven with a thesis entitled “Beyond Boundaries” on the use and practice of international interfaith encounters and partnerships. Recently [2017] she has completed a course on Mennonite Theology. She currrently serves Remontrant, Reformed, Liberal, Mennonite, and independent congregations, preaching as a minister at large. Active for IARF since 1998, she initially served the Dutch Chapter and was the chair of the IARF European and Middle Eastern [IARF EME] regional council 2006-2016. As such, she led four regional conferences [Belfast, UK ‘06; Mannheim/Ludwigshafen, Germany ‘07; Elspeet, Netherlands, ’12; Tetovo, Macedonia, ‘16] and strengthened its organizational framework. She served IARF as an IARF International Council member from 2010-2018. She was IARF President 2014-2018. At present, she is a member of the Dutch Chapter board.Dutch ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member OrganisationNLG Dutch Chapter, EME region
Rev Dr At Ipenburg Profile Image Never The NetherlandsStudy of Political Science, Systematic Theology and African History (PhD). Ordained Minister Remonstrant Church. Working as a Lecturer, Research Fellow and Minister in The Netherlands, Zambia and Indonesia. Past Chair of the Dutch Chapter.Dutch ChapterRemonstrantsMember
山野辺 博子 Profile Image Never Japan入会歴:2008年Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Yasushi-Ueda Profile Image Never
Yayoi KImura Profile Image 2025-01-31 07:58:18 Japana secretary at Ittoen office since 2009I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterIttoen
Yoshinobu Ogura Profile Image Never 日本IARF日本チャプター会員Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation北海道
Yolanda Palacios Stefan Profile Image 2024-12-29 18:34:42 DeutschlandIch bin in der katholische Kirche aufgewachsen, mittlerweile bin ich Mitglieder einer Freikirche in Worms und bin durch mein Partner, Bjarne Dimmler, der Mitglied der Unitarier ist, auf die IARF gestoßen. Ich möchte mich für freie Religion einsetzen.German ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
原 良充 Profile Image Never 日本2015年4月 清水南中学入学 2018年3月 清水南中学卒業 2018年4月 清水南高校入学 2020年3月 清水南高校卒業 2020年4月 常葉大学入学I'm not a member, only a registered Congress participantRissho Kosei-kai
芳子 木原 Profile Image Never 日本地域の高齢者のサポートしていますJapan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Yoshinobu Miyake Profile Image Never 日本Rev. Yoshinobu Miyake studied at Doshisha University in Kyoto and at Harvard University. He takes the important roll in his Konko Church as Superior General. For the past 4 decades he has been active worldwide in the interfaith field, such as RfP. In 1997 he established RELNET Corporation, whose website publishes widely on religion-related matters in Japanese. He is serving Chair of the Board of International Shinto Studies Association. Most recently, he led G20 Interfaith Forum 2019 to success as Chair of the Steering Committee.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterKonko Church of Izuo
Yoshinori Inomata Profile Image Never JapanI am a member of RKK.Japan ChapterI'm a member of a Chapter and not a Member Organisation
Yehuda Stolov Profile Image Never IsraelYEHUDA STOLOV is the executive director of the Interfaith Encounter Association (www.interfaith-encounter.org), an organization that works since 2001 to build peaceful inter-communal relations in the Holy Land by fostering mutual respect and trust between people and communities through active interfaith dialogue. Dr. Stolov has lectured on the role of religious dialogue in peace-building throughout the world, including Jordan, India, Indonesia, Turkey, South Korea, North America and Europe. He also published many papers on related issues. In 2006, he was awarded the Immortal Chaplains Foundation Prize for Humanity, which honors those who "risked all to protect others of a different faith or ethnic origin"; and in 2015 he was awarded the IIE Victor J. Goldberg Prize for Peace in the Middle East. Among other activities, Dr. Stolov was a member of the International Council of the International Association for Religious Freedom and a member of the steering committee for the United Nations Decade of Interreligious Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace. He holds a B.Sc. and a M.Sc. in Physics and a Ph.D. from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is married and father of three children, living in Jerusalem.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterInterfaith Encounter Association
Rev. Yukinobu Sahara Profile Image Never JapanYukinobu Sahara was born in 1968 in Tokyo, Japan. He began serving for Rissho Kosei-kai as a staff member in 1993. He served as an area staff in Hokkaido from 1999, then ordained as the Minister of Muroran Dharma Center in 2010. He was assigned to the Federation of New Religious Organizations of Japan in 2016 and was appointed as the Secretary General next year. Since December 2021, he has been serving as Deputy Director of the External Relations Group, General Affairs Department of Rissho Kosei-kai.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterRissho Kosei-kaiCouncil Member
Zita Magyari Profile Image Never RomaniaI was born in Marosvásárhely, in 1995. Now I am serving as youth minister of Hungarian Unitarian Church. I am the president of Dávid Ferenc Unitarian Youth Association.I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterHungarian Unitarian Church
Zoltán Gál Profile Image Never RomaniaI am a Unitarian Minister in Transylvania, RomaniaI'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterHungarian Unitarian ChurchUnitarian Minister
Zsofia Sztranyiczki Profile Image Never Romania/USAI am A Unitarian from Transylvania living half the year in Houston, TX. I am the executive director of the International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women (https://intlwomensconvo.org).I'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterHungarian Unitarian Church
Zsolt Elekes Profile Image 2024-12-09 14:18:01 RomaniaI'm a member of a Member Organisation and not a ChapterHungarian Unitarian ChurchLocal organizer
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