First IARF Annual Training on UN Human Rights mechanisms
Geneva, 26th-27th May 2012
Facilitators: Mandat International (the UN welcome centre in Geneva); the David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies.
More than 30 participants from 10 countries were involved in the course. Under the guidance of Morse C. Flores, IARF’s main representative at UN, and Ursula Siegfried of Mandat International, on the first day they took part in several highly informative sessions on the subjects of International law and the UN system and its Human Rights mechanisms. A focus was put on its ‘special procedures’, highlighting the work of the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion and Belief, whose assistant Chian Yew Lim led one of the sessions.
On the second day, the subject shifted to the practicalities of lobbying at the UN. A video link was established with Joshua Coper, seasoned lobbyist, who shared some of his tips & tricks. His performance was well-matched, live, by that of Megumi Kabahashi of ITD 4rth world.
Great weather urged the group outside for a picnic session that introduced lobbying strategies in a more structured setting. Groups then split up to discuss advocacy strategies. The result was put on flipover sheets and very professionally presented in a plenary.
The two-day course ended with certificates being issued to the participants.
During the following days the participants were given the opportunity to watch UN work in progress. Universal Periodic Review sessions were attended, and several meetings with UN representatives took place.
Wytske Dijkstra