The International Association for Religious Freedom

Statement by IARF Kenya Chapter concerning current events in the country

Our Kenya Chapter has released the following statement regarding the troubling events taking place in the country. We join them in prayers and hope for a peaceful conduct of elections and national reconciliation later on. You can read more about the situation in Kenya here.

Protesters in Nairobi.

1st August 2017
The International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) Kenya Chapter condemns in the strongest terms possible the continues killing of innocent prominent persons that are great developers for this nation. As the IARF community, we appeal to the president and the security agencies of this country to be sincere and tell Kenyans and the whole world why this is happening under their watch. These killings of innocent people or anybody else to serve the interests of some individuals should not be accepted under any circumstances. We are still mourning our lost heroes whom we laid to rest a few weeks ago, and similar events brining still more great losses continue to happen in our country. “Should we say hell has dropped from heaven to the earth called Kenya?” As an IARF community whose main agenda is to preach peace among the religions of the world, we strongly condemn the ’assassins’ who carry out such acts of cowardice. We strongly believe that this is not ‘ethicist war’, but one being waged by people who do not value human life, and who pretend to be rulers. We therefore ask religious leaders to come together and preach peace, and also to advise our community members to do the same. Let us share the sorrow of the loved ones who have been affected by these killings. We support the Kenyan people and its leaders, and commiserate with them during this time of loss, anguish and pain. We also call upon all Kenyans to exercise restraint and patience as we pray for peace for Kenya. We are also praying for security agencies who are currently investigating these killings which have taken our people hostage. We call upon all our religious leaders to ceaselessly pray for peace for Kenya, and also in other parts of the world.
Lawrence Adera Secretary,
IARF Kenya Chapter

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