If you have been invited to submit a grant proposal, please fill in the form below.
Name of submitting organisation (required)
Street Address (required)
City (required)
Postal / Zip Code (required)
Country (required)
Contact person (required)
Phone (required)
E-mail (required)
Website address
Project title (required)
Project start date (required)
IARF grant amount requested (in USD) (required)
Projected income from other sources (in USD) (required)
Total project budget (in USD) (required)
Annual operating budget (in USD) (required)
Have you received a grant from IARF before? (required) YesNo
If so, what was the purpose of the previous grant, and what did the project evaluation show about future work?
Beneficiary name and address (required)
Beneficiary account number (IBAN)
Beneficiary bank and bank address
Other information that may be necessary to transfer money to your bank:
If your organisation is officially registered in your country, please provide the registration number and the name of the government body with which it is registered. If it is not registered, please explain briefly why.
Mission and purpose of the organisation:
Overview of programmes run by the organisation:
Please describe the governance/organizational structure of your organization - include the number of staff, volunteers, board members, etc. as well as the names of key staff members/directors and board of directors, if any:
Background and general information:
Overall goal:
Objective 1
Intended outcome of objective 1:
Objective 2:
Intended outcome of objective 2:
Other objectives and intended outcomes, if you wish to specify them:
Description of beneficiaries/targeted populations of this project:
How many people will this project serve directly? How will they benefit?
Organisation's budget: (required)
Project budget: (required)
Project timeline: (required)