
INDIA: Human Rights Education

Protection and promotion of the human right to freedom of religion and belief constitute the core of our project work in India. The work is funded primarily by IARF, through the generosity of its major member group funders (with a special acknowledgment dur to Rissho kosei-kai).

To educate communities about this precious right, and to create awareness of rights in general, IARF has introduced human rights education (HRE) programmes since 2006. To learn more about past programmes and events, browse the Trainings Log and read the Report on six years of Human Rights Education in India by Brother Albert Xaviour (presentation, .ppsx format).

For information about current programmes and events, see the website of IARF Human Rights Resource Centeran integral part of International Association for Religious Freedom working in partnership with the Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, India. The HRRC is administered by its young adults to…

  • create and distribute Human Rights Education (HRE) resources
    train activists, professionals, and students as human rights educators
  • build advocacy networks to encourage effective practices in human rights education
  • support the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education
  • protect and promote women and children’s rights
  • monitor and evaluate compliance with international, regional and national human rights standards

The HRRC is working with various communities to address current discrimination and to develop preventative approaches to building a culture for Human Rights in India and other countries. During the past eight years, the IARF has facilitated its Training on Human Rights Education in which nearly 8,700 young adults and students were trained for the promotion and protection of human rights in India and Bangladesh.

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