President’s New Year Message 2016

Dear friends in IARF,

Acts of religiously motivated crimes have been dominating the news during 2015. The fanaticism with which oppression and war are being pursued is viewed by many to stem from religious zeal.11121308_810250045719267_6969751482784647864_o (4) Now, more than ever, there is a need for IARF to speak out on peaceful coexistence for religions. IARF does not stop there. It seeks to practise what others preach.

This means IARF is inclusive, promoting equality among people, whatever faith, gender, or position in life they take. In the past year, as ever, IARF has shown this through the diversity of the membership of its governing bodies. It has practised it in international and other interfaith encounters, and promoted it through human rights awareness trainings and HR education.

IARF is looking forward to continuing this policy in 2016, expanding the scope of its HR advocacy through diplomacy, education, and interfaith encounters.

I would like to thank all IARF members who have been active on behalf of our core values: religious harmony, diversity, and equality, within IARF or in society. Sometimes all it needs is speaking out. Together, we have a voice. It is up to you to make it sound out loud throughout the world.

I wish you all a happy New Year.

Wytske Dijkstra, IARF President.

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