Peace Day 2011 observed in Chennai

On 8th August, 2011 between 03 & 05pm.
@Ethiraj College for Women (Autonomous), Egmore, Chennai

As per the direction of IARF (SACC), Kerala & IARF India Chapter), the Peace Day was observed in memory of Victims of Hiroshima & Nagasaki, Japan on 6 & 9th August, 1945

The program started as per the Invitation schedule with Prayer by Ms. Swathi, Department of Human Rights & duties Education, Ethiraj College for women followed by Welcome Address by Dr.Mrs. Sri Ranjini Siva Subramanian, Head, Department of Human Rights and Duties Education, Ethiraj College. Mr. K. Ramachandran, Facilitator, IARF – HRE, Chennai has given introduction about IARF – HRE & its Activities briefly for the past years.

The power point Program was prepared by selecting various suitable & relevant photos about the incidents occurred on those Days by Mrs. R. Nithya IARF Young Adult & Lecturer, Department of Human Rights & Duties Education, Ethiraj College and the same was presented by Ms. Hemalatha, Young Adult IARF – HRE Facilitator, Chennai and P.G. Student, Department of Human Rights and duties Education, Ethiraj College has narrated the presentation with clearly and understandably by the audients. (The PPT is enclosed for information)

Then two minutes silence was observed by one and all in the Hall. Afterwards, Mrs. R. Nithya, Delivered the Message and addressed by Prime Minister of Japan on 6th August, 2011 received from Consul-General of Japan, Chennai (Copy enclosed) followed by Vote of Thanks.

The program was conducted by Department of Human Rights & Duties Education, Ethiraj College, Chennai. All other department staffs and students were also attended and encouraged the program. Ms. Purnima, IARF Young Adult & PG. Student of Anna Adarsh also attended with her college students.

– K. Ramachandran, Facilitator

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