New Office Administrator

Robert Papini, who has been the Office Administrator since 2003, has retired from the association as of this week. His duties were taken over by Łukasz Liniewicz, a resident of the Netherlands. Łukasz was appointed following a thorough recruitment procedure. Though we are sorry to see Robert go, and grateful for his contribution and support to our organization, we have great expectations and hopes concerning Łukasz’s work in IARF.

Below you will find a short bio note written by Łukasz and his contact details.

Lukasz Liniewicz, new IARF Administrator Łukasz Liniewicz

e-mail: luke[at], Skype: iarf_skype,

I am 25 years old, was born in Poland and currently live in the Netherlands, where I studied international (European) law at the University of Groningen and Christianity and Society in Tilburg. Besides my work as IARF’s Office Administrator I work as a freelance translator. I am a member of the Mennonite Church, which in the Netherlands is a liberal, progressive faith community. In the past I’ve worked in an administrative and coordinating capacity in church offices and faith organizations, and hope to use what I have learned to contribute to IARF, whose goals I wholeheartedly support, as well as to continue learning to live up to what is expected of me. Please don’t hesitate to contact me whenever I can be of assistance.

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