International Peace Day 2014 celebrated in India

21 September 2014

International Day of Peace



IARF member group Bala Vikas Foundation for Peace & Harmony  observed International  Peace Day at the Gandhi statue near GVMC.

Students attended from A.P. Indian Student Parliament, Karuna International, New Trenz, Society for Good Governance, Indian Youth for Society, and Nirmal Jyothi Foundation, plus the social worker Ramadevi .

Earlier a Walk for Peace was held, from the Ambedkar statue near LIC buildings after garlanding the Ambedkar by Prof. V.Balamohan Das, former Vice-Chancellor of Nagarjuna University, who said that violence was prevalent all over the world and even developed countries were not  free from the problem.

Later the walkers stopped at the Gandhi statue where a peace meeting was held.
Before the meeting the Gandhi statue was garlanded by EAS Sharma (IAS, Retd) from Forum for a Better Visakha, and pigeons were released to mark the occasion.  
The peace meeting was presided over by Narava Prakasa Rao, Chairman of Bala Vikas Foundation for Peace & Harmony, who said that everyone should  strive for world peace.

EAS Sharma read the peace pledge which was followed by students’ speeches.
                Sri Sharma in his peace message said that Sept. 21st serves as a reminder that hope and peace are not just a possibility, but also a reality, even in times of great despair and violence.
                International Peace Day serves as a call to action for all who are committed to a vision of a world in which the values of compassion and kindness, justice and mercy, and friendship prevail, and love is the guiding force in our thoughts and actions towards one another.



International Peace Day was celebrated in grand manner at Seshadripuram Institute of Commerce & Management (SICM), Bangalore.

More than 200 students, faculty and guests enjoyed the deliberations.
Dr Mallaprabhu Venkatesh and Dr W.P.Krishna spoke, covering human values and the relevance of peace within and without.

Young adult representatives 34th World Congress Ms Meghana Belavadi and Ms Fareena Maria were introduced to the gathering and thereafter shared their experiences and how it has impacted them, and invited the youngsters to get involved with extracurricular activities for all-round growth.  The Chief Guest gave them mementoes.



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