Briefly about IARF Pakistan:
IARF Pakistan strives to promote peace and harmony among Islam and minority religions, including many Christians, Bahai, Sikh and others. Bahai and Sikh have proper relations and coexist well with Muslims, but there are tensions between the Muslim and Christian communities. We organize peace meetings with representatives of all faiths to discuss and promote tolerance and peace.
Please direct your inqueries to Dr. Jefferson Tasleem Ghauri at iarfpakistan[at]
IARF Pakistan strives to promote peace and harmony among Islam and minority religions, including many Christians, Bahai, Sikh and others. Bahai and Sikh have proper relations and coexist well with Muslims, but there are tensions between the Muslim and Christian communities. We organize peace meetings with representatives of all faiths to discuss and promote tolerance and peace.
Please direct your inqueries to Dr. Jefferson Tasleem Ghauri at iarfpakistan[at]

On August 14 2015, Pakistan Independence Day, the Pakistan Chapter of the IARF held an all-day programme for women and children. IARF Pakistan staff members, Robson Ayub and Hanook Yasir, delivered several presentations and moderated a discussion with the participants. The topics taken up included issues of vital importance for the people of Pakistan, such as religious coexistence, tolerance and mutual respect among various faith communities and groups in society, matters of key significance to the mission of IARF. The event met with much interest and was well attended. Below you can see several photographs taken at the meeting.