The International Association for Religious Freedom

IARF 124th Annivesary Celebrated by BV Foundation for Peace and Harmony

The BV Foundation for Peace and Harmony, a member group of IARF South India, celebrated the 124th IARF Formation Day on Saturday, May 25th, at the Gandhi Center Seminar Hall located at Dr. LB College in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, South India. Prof. Prakasa Rao, chairman of the foundation, presided over the meeting.

The celebration began with an interfaith prayer, followed by a cake-cutting ceremony. In his presidential address, Prof. Rao highlighted that the IARF was established on May 25th, 1900, in Boston to realize the vision of the World Parliament of Religion held in 1893. As the oldest interfaith organization in the world, IARF collaborates with religious communities and secular organizations committed to openness, free religious inquiry, human dignity, social responsibility, and service. The organization also works to protect religious freedom and fundamental human rights through its representatives at the United Nations.

The chief guest, Prof. V. Balamohandas, former vice-chancellor of Acharya Nagarjuna University and president of the Gandhi Center, commended IARF’s remarkable 124-year history and called for improved religious tolerance worldwide. He emphasized that while religious worship and beliefs are personal matters, the coexistence of people belonging to different religions is a tradition that IARF should continue to uphold. Prof. Balamohandas termed atrocities committed in the name of caste, color, and community as barbaric, stressing that peace is only possible when all religions coexist and live in harmony.

Other speakers who endorsed the chief guest’s statement included:

  1. Swami Swasamvedya Nanda, secretary of Ramakrishna Mission
  2. Syed Shamsuddin, Additional District Government Qazi
  3. Fr. Ratna Kumar, Deputy GM of RCM schools
  4. Smt. B.K. Rameswari, Prajapita Brahmakumari Eeswari Vidyalayam
  5. Sushil Sekhani Jain, chairman of Mahaveer International
  6. B. Gowtam Babu, the Buddhist Society of India

The convener, Abdul Muneer Mushhad, proposed a vote of thanks. The meeting concluded with participants taking a peace pledge and singing the Indian national anthem, “Jana Gana Mana.”

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