RFYN statement to UN’s International Year of Youth

“The role of youth in the progress of Afghanistan” Work by Afghan members of our youth network (‘RFYN’)  submitted for:    High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on Youth @ UN Headquarters, New York25-26 July 2011 RFYN contribution to UN High-Level Meeting (PDF, 3 pages) Illustrated article “The role of youth in the progress of Afghanistan” […]

Rajahmundry 2004

  Under the auspices of SACC and Rajahmundry Interfaith Project, a Two-day Young Adult Programme was organised at Rajahmundry on 26th and 27th June 2004. Twenty-three young adults from different local colleges and eight young adults from Vizag participated. Among them were 15 male and 16 female participants – 22 Hindu, 4 Christian, 3 Jain and 2 Muslim. Rev. […]

Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli 2004

                23 October 2004 Brief Report on RFYN Palayamkottai, Thirunelveli (PDF) @Angelo Mat. Higher Secondary School, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli

RFYN Empowerment Training

Davao, Philippines  26 Dec 2003 – 3 Jan 2004 Thirty young people from all over the Philippines attended the IARF’s RFYN empowerment training at Waterfront Hotel in Davao City, Mindanao – ‘IPs’ (indigenous people), Christians, Moslems and Unitarians.  Oxford-based Ramola Sundram, the RFYN International Co-ordinator, came to Davao, as did Japan-based Morse Flores, a Filipino ‘IP’ (indigenous […]

Human Rights Day 2011, Hindupur

Report on Human Rights Day 2011 in Hindupur Organised by the IARF-RFYN young adults’ network in Hindupur, Andhra Pradesh, India See photos here (opens new tab in Flickr)

International Young Adult Program, Chennai, 2009

   September 11th to 13th, 2009@ Dhyana Ashram,  Chennai   The Role of Young Adults in Human Rights and Duties (PDF, illustrated, 12 pages) Visit Flickr page (new tab)

Shramadan (gift of labour) Gujarat 2005

India (Gujarat): Morbi, Nana Dahisara & KajaradaFebruary 2005  31 Hindu young adults  Organiser: Hiten Bhagtani, RFYN India Gujarati leader. For this project, the young adults did shramadan, gift of labour, at the sites built during the 2002 project. Most were very wary of going into a 100% Muslim village, entering their mosque and cleaning it. Most had never entered […]

Young Adult Programme Shillong 2004

17, 18, 19 June 2004. Brief Report on 3-day IARF Young Adult Programme held at Shillong (PDF)

Tri-People Educational Tour – Philippines

21 – 28 April, 2003 Twenty-four young adults took part in a spiritual tour that also included leadership training & teambuilding. [nggallery id=4]  Participants included representatives of ten tribes of Indigenous People, four major tribes of Muslims from Mindanao, Christians from the Visayas, and another Indigenous young adult from Luzon in the north.     […]