Statement on the Westgate Mall attack, Nairobi

Kenya Chapter statement on the Westgate Mall attack, Nairobi

23 September 2013

The International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF) Kenya Chapter condemns in the strongest terms possible, the terrorist attack at the Westgate shopping mall in Westlands, Nairobi that has left many of our loved ones dead and injured.

It is an attack on innocent people that recalls the Nairobi US embassy bombings of 1998 – a similar great loss to our country.

As an IARF community whose main agenda is to preach peace among the religions of the world, we strongly condemn the attackers who have carried out an act of cowardice targeting innocent lives.

We strongly believe that this is not a ‘religious war’, but one being waged by people who do not value human life, and who pretend to profess religious faith.

We therefore ask religious leaders to come together and preach peace, and also to advise our community members to do the same. Let us share their sorrow with our loved ones who are affected in this attack.

We support the Kenyan people and its leaders, and commiserate with them during this time of loss, anguish and pain.

We also call upon all Kenyans to exercise restraint and patience as we pray for peace in the world.

We are also praying for our security agencies who are currently trying their best to free hostages still being held by the terrorists.

We call upon all our religious leaders to remain in prayers for peace in this our beloved country Kenya, and also in other parts of the world.


Rev. Lawrence Adera
Secretary, IARF Kenya Chapter

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