IARF Grant Reporting
Based on many years of experience in providing grants to diverse beneficiaries, and taking into account increased government scrutiny of charities transferring monies to foreign entities, the IARF revised its reporting and other grant-related standards and will apply them much more strictly and consistently from now on. This document summarizes our reporting requirements and provides guidance through the process. You may contact the Administrator or the Treasurer for clarification and assistance.
How to submit?
You will find the report form on our website. Only reports submitted using that form and complying with the instructions set out in this document will be accepted and reviewed. The Secretariat will offer assistance should you experience technical problems.
Composition of the report
Beginning in 2018, the report will consist of four parts:
- narrative,
- financial,
- participants’ feedback,
- (media) attachments.
The narrative
The narrative part of the report ought to be at least 500 words of original text.
List the activities you held (what, where and when), the goals of the project and how the activities helped to meet those goals. Say whether you think the programme made a difference, and why. State how many people were involved, directly and indirectly, as speakers/organizers and beneficiaries. Finally, write about difficulties, problems and challenges as well and explain briefly what you intend to do to address the shortcoming in the future.
Financial report
For the financial part of the report use a spreadsheet (Excel, Google Sheets, Open Office Calc document or similar). List each event you held in the framework of the project and categorize the expenses you incurred. These categories will vary depending on event type, but should generally include at least:
- travel and other reimbursements for your officials/volunteers and guests,
- handouts / materials for participants,
- publicity,
- venue and catering.
Please remember that IARF does not allow its grants to be spent on direct salaries/remuneration. A speaker, trainer or workshop leader may be reimbursed for expenses (travel, office supplies etc.) but not remunerated. If it is necessary to pay such persons to hold a given event, the money must be made available by the grantee or a third party sponsor. If you have difficulties with creating the document, the Secretariat will provide assistance.
You must submit (scans or legible photographs of) receipts/bills for the expenses incurred. A speaker or volunteer being reimbursed for expenses should also give you receipts for those expenses.
You will find our updated financial report example here. You may use it as a template to submit yours.
Participants’ feedback
Reports will have to contain either a feedback survey/questionnaire from at least one event and five persons (with names and contact details of the fillers) or contact details (email or telephone) of at least two participants who gave their permission for IARF to contact them to discuss their experience. IARF will keep all personal data strictly confidential. If the majority of participants has internet access, you may use a tool like Google Forms to create the survey and invite people to give feedback by email. If this is not possible, you may distribute short printed questionnaires after an event and submit photographs or scans. IARF Secretariat will provide assistance if needed.
Please include a selection of the best-quality photographs and other materials (videos, brochures, newspaper clippings etc.). You may upload them using the report form. If possible, please create one compressed file (a .zip, .rar or .7zip file). IARF Secretariat will provide assistance if needed.